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Joined 05/29/2019 Achieve Points 45 Posts 40

Kronos's Comments

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From W0lfr1c

    I loved to play MTG in the past :-). My pro cap is in the drawer ^^.    I did never look at MTG Arena due to a sole reason. I don´t want to pay a single cent when i have a full collection of all tourney cards 4 times LoL ...

    You honestly don't have to. I only spent 5 dollars for the welcome bundle and I have more than enough to build a viable deck.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From sto650

    Context - I was playing token druid, opponent was on bomb warrior. I was rank 6, 5 stars; he was rank 5.

    On turn 2, I went face instead of trading with his Loot Hoarder, allowing him a free trade with my Dire Wolf Alpha. I'm fully aware that this looks like a mistake, but against a warrior, it's extremely important to get in as much damage as possible as early as possible with token druid, due to board wipe potentials. So I know it looks foolish, but I do it anyways. He emotes, "That was a mistake." I think I muted him.

    I do, in fact win the game. Apparently he didn't have board wipes. I think I emoted "well played," because I always do that. To me, it's meant to be a polite way to end a game. Am I crazy to think it's polite to end a game with "well played"? Should I just never emote? Anyways, here's what happened after the game. The filtered words are f-bombs. (Side note: I'm married and have two children.)

    Edit: Apparently I am inept at using the image insertion feature. Basically he screamed at me for emoting and then unfriended. I friended him again to inform him he did first, and he screamed some more. Here's the image link: Screen Capture of the comments

    If you say "Well Played" in a lop sided train wreck on his behalf that is honestly bad manners. It's the same as saying GG after winning a game where you clearly wrecked the other team. GG means "Good Game". It's not a good game if the other team gets wrecked. Plus its honestly an extreme BM move to mute him yet emote yourself, that is extremely childish.

    I never say "well played" if I am about to win. Only the person about to lose should say it. I myself say Well Played when I know I lost. Being married or having children doesn't mean you are an expert in social intelligence. If I legit want to be an asshole I do in fact spam "Well played" if I think I clearly won this game and I think he is wasting his time. Well played is for the loser to say.

    I would even say you were trying to be a jerk if you friended him again. Especially if you sent something like, "You tried your best ;D" You should just drop it and move on. You are literally putting salt on the wounds.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I have posted in the past that MTG Arena is in a pale comparison to the table top version, which is still true, but I played it much much more and started to like it much more at the moment. Of course when I get home I'm going to go back to playing Hearthstone with the new buffs to cards but I have grown to love both games quite a bit now.

    At first I found MTG Arena to be really expensive, and it still is, but the game really awards you much more than Hearthstone for playing more. Hearthstone only gets you 1 quest per day but MTG Arena can give you many rewards in one day. I have grown to really enjoy the constant wave of free packs from just playing the game. However it is extremely needed due to decks needing 4 copies of the same card and having no disenchant system in place.

    I do wonder how they will handle the system when there is a new rotation of cards. Hopefully they implement a similar system to allow everyone access to certain cards for free and let people unlock new decks to add card their new collection.  Either way the new player experience on MTG Arena is a great experience and gives you a great number of cards to start you off. Hearthstone in comparison has a horrible new player experience. There is almost no way to actually make any somewhat viable deck with the tools they give you compared to Magic Arena.

    After heavy use of both I have to give it to MTG Arena for new players. I've been giving an extremely biased position to Hearthstone and my endless resources and collection I have. I can honestly see Hearthstone going into a really bad place if they don't change the new player experience compared to the competition. 

    However MTG Arena has a horrible meta at the moment compared to Hearthstone. Hearthstone at the current moment has the best meta compared to Duel links and MTG Arena. Once a rotation happens this might all change.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    1. Goal every season is rank 5. (Which is extremely easy to reach)

    2. Quit while I'm ahead (If I win a few games just stop)

    3. Open a card pack with the gold I earned to have a sense of accomplishment if I loose too many games and then quit.

    If you follow these three steps I don't think you will ever get frustrated. Rank 5 meta is the best meta anyway. Meme legend numbers are really bad. As other posters said, "it's only game why you have to be mad"

    Now playing magic arena and getting shit on by Esper decks gets me mad...

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From NightCrawler

    I admit, I haven't played Artifact myself but I believe these factors alone are enough to spell disaster in any upcoming cardgame.  It doesn't matter if the game itself is good or not when no one is willing to give it a chance.  Even if it was the best one out there, a card game is still a card game; there can't be enough variation to make it $40+ better than Shadowverse/ Eternal/ etc

    Try playing it to form a more educated opinion(or not I don't blame you). Or at least watch some gameplay. If you actually played it you will understand why it failed. I believe if it was a solid game the pay model wouldn't have mattered. It has a strong brand and an amazing company with a big fan base.

    Hearthstone succeeded not because it was the first; far from it. The game was really easy to follow, really easy to learn, a great art style, and advanced tournament play showed the game had a high level of depth and it simply wasn't curve stone at higher levels. Artifact even failed to show advanced depth in tournament play. People didn't mind shelling out cash on the game because its gameplay was solid. The same would apply to Artifact if that was the case. If anything Artifact was actually much cheaper to play than Hearthstone. But the main problem as I said there was no constructed ladder on release. The games main focus was draft. That has big problems in itself. 

    If you think the answer is as simple as its pay  model I am glad you are not in charge of a development team. The game is flawed in many ways. Simply changing it to free to play will not fix it. AND why the game is still not released as free to play. Valve could have simply made the game free and give people who bought the game free packs for the cost they invested. Valve themselves know the pay model is not the real problem. If it was fixing it would be quick and easy. The developer interviews already stated the game is going to be reconstructed and reconditioned.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare
    Presumably because it was geared towards a more niche playerbase and had a very unfriendly business model towards newcomersBasically it appealed to a very small group of people and was accessible to even fewer.

    I honestly believe if a game is fun people won't mind staying around and paying a premium for it.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Well...that is how Rogues are supposed to be. If you give them too many "Big"  options the class will be even more broken. It's not supposed to get those cards. Warriors and priest get those cards because they have awful tempo or miracle cards. Mage is the middle ground between the two. 

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I'm shocked there isn't more people here already. As soon as I heard the news I jumped the ship here.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I would think it's against the rules to target other people on the forums. You can express your opinion without putting a target over someone's head. If he wants to make 100 decks so be it, that is his choice.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From sinti
    Quote From Kronos

    Where as Hearthstone Arena synergy is extremely important this game has no synergy of any kind.

    Not to get off topic, but what?! Extremely important eh? Not even close. That is like the furthest from the truth statement iv seen in a while.

    If you don't want your 12 wins I guess it doesn't matter right? There is very popular add on's that help with Arena picks that looks at your deck synergy giving each card different rankings. Highly used, there are a few versions. One will be below.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From RandomGuy

    For my part, I tried to watch it once and could not tell what was happening at all. It was not a viewer friendly CCG, and if you aren't attracting viewers, you aren't attracting customers.

    That is very true also. The 3 board system bloated the experience and made people popping into streams become confused. I do wonder what they are going to do with it in the future. Based on Valve not asking for feedback and Richard Garfield being off the development team I think the game is dead in the water. The game barely has 190 players a day which is extremely bad. Not sure on the website's rules on putting external links but here is one to check the players every day.


  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Lenlac
    Quote From Kronos
    Quote From Lenlac

    Magic is great. I have played HS since beta and looking to move over to MTG Arena now. I have been only playing for a week and I have a lot more fun. The difficulty level is much higher and diverse. HS right now has Mech Hunter, Shaman Murlock, Secret Hunter and Token druid as T1 decks ( All this decks besides secret hunter are aggro token decks.) The decks can refill the board with sticky minions consistently based on (luck of the draw) The only deck that really puts them in check is control warrior which is 12k+ dust.  So decks that cost 1200 - 2500 dust to be countered by a 12k dust deck.


    Nothing you listed is tier 1 and I believe your hearthstone experience is limited. There isn't any tier 1 aggro decks. In higher ranks you are much more likely to find a warlock than a druid,shaman, or even mech hunter. Currently mid range hunter, bomb warrior, rogue, and mage are the top meta decks. None of which are aggro. If you complain hearthstone is expensive get ready to bust your wallet even more with Magic.

    They are the top decks played on HSreplay.


    True that at higher legend ranks its a different sample of decks. However ranks 5-Legend you see them the most. I have a full collection so its not an issue of cost, however its an issue of interactions. If you could have a few budget control decks the game would be a little bit more diverse to new players. Yes magic is far more costly than hearthstone. However in magic to loose based on your choices of cards and plays more often than not. In hearthstone you can loose to a huge swing turn from Zuljin (example) Which is one card that swings the game. I can understand the swing from a multi-card combo, but from one card its feels awful. Omega Devastor feels awful to play against with charge and deal 10 dmg.

    I made it to legend with Control warrior, Control Warlock when guldan was a thing and aids secret paladin with dr.6. So maybe i am just a little bored and burned out from HS.


    HS replay is unreliable and has bad data. None of the professionals use it. The only good tab for is the trending tab. Do not use HS replay to find the best decks. The trending tab is the most accurate thing on the website. Refer to that if you want to see meta changes.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Yes (Mage was my first)

    My 2nd arena run I ever done I got 12 wins. I don't play the mode much as it is a large time commitment to get to 12 wins. I always just spend my gold on packs and almost never do arena. I think I only played arena max 10 times and got 12 wins 3 times. I also played it smart and when I got to 10 wins I played at 6 in the morning. But like I said its a huge time investment and needs some planning to get 12 wins. I rather invest my time playing other modes.

    In reply to 12 Win Success Poll
  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I found it quite bad and way overpriced compared to previous free adventures like the Rumble in the past one.

    1. It's way too repetitive and it uses too many of the same bosses in the first 5 bosses.

    2. I spend my runs with gold and its not worth 700 gold chapter which also only awards 3 packs each

    Basically imagine Taking the Rumble of the last expansion and putting a paywall behind every 2 heroes and then only having truly unique bosses in the final 3 bosses of the run. I would never recommend anyone to pay money for this. Just play the previous great adventure modes from other expansions. 

    This expansion especially milking the new Priest hero behind 80 dollars is just flat out disgusting in its business practices. There is zero reason to charge people 20 dollars for this. Objectively it does have the most content but that doesn't mean anything.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Greetings everyone I think most of you are aware how Artifact has become a meme at this point but many of us were at least interested in the game before and a little after its release. I can say I have played card games quite a bit for over 15 years of life; around half of my life. This was maybe the first card game that was heavily hyped that I knew was going to fail within 3 days of playing the game. After playing all the modes and paying close attention to card design I quickly realized that this game was going to be a disaster and I should sell my cards.

    Within the first 3 days I sold most of my expensive cards I got from my packs and made my money back and more. I happened to open Axe and a few others. People were thinking it was going to be the new biggest thing and playing the market. With my card game experience I knew it was going to fail flat on the floor. Many people think it failed because Valve got greedy and charged 20 dollars and having no way to earn more packs in game unless you pay real money. But this is far from the truth and had nothing to do with why it failed.

    1. People complain about RNG in Hearthstone but Artifact has the most RNG than any card game I have ever experienced. The direction your minions are attacking, the boards your minions show up on, the items listed in the store. I knew right away this was a huge problem in its design.

    2. The 3 board system is a failure. The 3 boards add NOTHING to the gameplay value and is simply bloat to the game. Most games have so much RNG that 2 boards become almost irreverent. RNG wins you one board, RNG screws you one board, and you only really invest in 1 board. Majority of your resources and time is mostly invested in 1 board while another board maybe gets 1 or 2 spells played on it per game. This is bloat of the worst kind and it doesn't make a better experience for anyone.

    3. The game has the most simple card design every created. Lets take a game like Magic the Gathering, 1 color is able to do the job of many roles. For example RED is not simply aggro but could have great control cards or card advantage in different forms of play. Artifact is so stupidly simple every color basically has 1 mechanic. If you want this mechanic you have to play its color. If you want to generate lots of gold you need to play black, if you want to control you need to play Blue, with you want strong heroes you need to play Red etc.

    4. This game was HEAVILY advertised for draft and not competitive constructed play. There isn't even a ladder on release. The problem with this is DRAFTING IS HORRIBLE due to the 2nd reason. The game is so simple and has such simple mechanics you don't draft for deck synergy. Where as Hearthstone Arena synergy is extremely important this game has no synergy of any kind. If you see a great card YOU PICK IT. If you see an AXE you pick it 100% of the time period.  This is the core reason the game failed. It's main advertised mode has maybe the worst drafting I have ever seen.


    Please contribute your ideas on your experience with Artifact.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Lenlac

    Magic is great. I have played HS since beta and looking to move over to MTG Arena now. I have been only playing for a week and I have a lot more fun. The difficulty level is much higher and diverse. HS right now has Mech Hunter, Shaman Murlock, Secret Hunter and Token druid as T1 decks ( All this decks besides secret hunter are aggro token decks.) The decks can refill the board with sticky minions consistently based on (luck of the draw) The only deck that really puts them in check is control warrior which is 12k+ dust.  So decks that cost 1200 - 2500 dust to be countered by a 12k dust deck.


    Nothing you listed is tier 1 and I believe your hearthstone experience is limited. There isn't any tier 1 aggro decks. In higher ranks you are much more likely to find a warlock than a druid,shaman, or even mech hunter. Currently mid range hunter, bomb warrior, rogue, and mage are the top meta decks. None of which are aggro. If you complain hearthstone is expensive get ready to bust your wallet even more with Magic.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I started to play magic when I was around 13 years old I am currently 30. I didn't full understand how to play the game as I didn't know anyone else that played it. What was popular for me at the time was Yu-Gi-Oh! and many people played it. My first impressions of magic was the cards looked amazing and very detailed. I really enjoyed the monsters called Kavu's and really wanted to make a deck around them. I currently just moved to a new city with my wife and don't know anyone in the area to play magic with at the moment.

    I tried MTG Arena but magic CLEARLY does not feel that great to play in an online format compared to Hearthstone. I can say with full heart that Hearthstone is a much better game online than Magic Arena. Magic is simply just not well designed for a online platform regardless of the changes done to it. I still play Magic and Yugioh  and collect the cards and buy booster boxes sometimes. Also the pay model of Magic Arena just pisses me off. Not being able to destroy cards for currency is really bad design.

    Don't listen to people online that constantly make fun of hearthstone simply because they are biased towards one card game. I can say with full belief that Hearthstone ,believe it or not, is the most complex and changing meta than any of these other card games in the standard format. Magic only gets remotely interesting in Modern; however the cost for a competitive Modern deck can cost a person 1,000 dollars sometimes or more.

    If you want a competitive and cheap deck for Magic Arena buy the welcome bundle and buy the first Ravanica set, the gold colored packs. Make a "Red Deck Wins" deck and craft the cards you need. Experimental Frenzy is one of the best rare cards you can craft so craft either 2 or 3 if you only have a few rare cards you can make. It's one of the best cards because many decks in the meta are unable to remove it. Dual lands being rare makes the game extremely unfriendly to new players. So just stick to one color.


    My honest opinion to all of you is to find a group to play magic in its table top form. Magic Arena doesn't do the game justice. Hearthstone however is perfectly designed for online play. I also encourage you all that want to try YuGiOH to maybe stay away from it because the difficulty curve is quite insane at first and very easy to become overwhelmed. Duel Links is a great simplified version of YuGiOH that currently has a meta deck you can make for very cheap called Ancient Gear Golem. You can play competitive YuGiOH with a great winrate only spending 20 bucks or less in duel links by buying 3 Ancient gear decks in the store.  

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    To this day I have never made a Reddit account nor have a desire to make one. I really don't like the echo Chamber culture on the website. I hope this website has a community that allows constructed feedback from many points of view.

  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I'm more concerned in how the website will make money. It obviously has no AD's at the moment. 

    In reply to Couple of questions
  • Kronos's Avatar
    45 40 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Honest opinion is Pally. 1 mana card that draws two 1 cost cards is almost meta defining. Other than that nothing much else will change. Oh...I guess bomb warrior got buffed to win more also. But bomb warrior is barely a problem anymore with so many decks that counter it.

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