Just reached Lvl 150 and I am around 7.2k gold right now. Still a new record for gold grinded. Even after purchasing the miniset because I could not let that deal pass. Been playing a little more this week because of a personal goal. But that did not make that much of a difference. Maybe I would be at 6.9k gold without that extra time. Also this extra playtime is finishing tomorrow if I am able to achive my goal as intended.
I am also hoarding my extra classsic packs because reasons. I might have saved a bit more if I did not, (I am too much of a collector so I only dust copies that wont be used. Will still keep a regular and a golden copy of the same legendary no problem) wich caused me to open some more packs than expected for a final craft.
Pretty much still satisfied with my results.
Edit: Also still lots of Achivement xp I could get if I tried harded, might get some more in 2 days)
Right now it feels really good, even after spending 2k gold in the miniset I am at about 7k right now not playing that much every day. Also I am quite happy with my Darkmoon Faire collection so I will not spend any more gold in it. I think i will open about 85-90 packs when next expansion launches without spending a penny. Up until this last week (when I decided I wanted demon hunter to reach lvl 60 before the core set comes out, so i started doing a lvl a day) I have played mostly the dailys and then only with friends (I am not that much into ranked, but been playing it more now as I think I get more Hero XP that way)
I would love to see all Galakrond cards on their original state.
Also I would love Dino Tamer Brann and Dragon Queen Alexstrasza back (Not the part were she could discover herself, that is a nono)
Then, Arcane Golem, Powerword:Shield, Warsong Commander (I do not think patreon warrior would be that bad now) and maybe Ironbeak owl (in case it does not come back to standar)
Wow, this numbers really surprised me. A friend told me yesterday "Is classic mode a good call? Can they even spread the playerbase even more?" To wich I responded "They surelly still can" but I would not have believed that many players still played.
I actually love their fun factor. Not all of them are Hard Hitters, but most seem fun as f... Have 17 packs to open, will do after buying so I get more missing legs and epics.
First of all sorry about My English. I AM fighting against an autocorrected spanish keyboard On the phone.
Also upvoted Your comment as Your opinions are more than valid and Well explained
Hi! Just wanted to Say I totally agree about dust values. 3:1, 2.5:1 or 2:1 would be much healthier butI think epic and Legendary ratios are fine Now that we have the no dupes rule (I would not see a 30 pack pity timer as sth Bad for legendaries through)
Legendaries should be rare (epics too) to give players long term goals. Personally I feel getting that Legendary You really wanted, either On a pack or crafting it and playing it feels much better than Any Golden portrait and making them too common could take away from the players sense of excitement when you get one. So it can be difficult to make them much more common.
I have spent this whole year as a F2P player (RIP Character portraits I really wanted) because I wanted to experience how the Game is going for this kind of players. And right Now, I feel My collection is around the value it used to have before when I got a preorder with dupes in the mix. Also I have saved gold and packs for next expansión and miniset. Right Now I AM at 17 darkmoon packs and 6300 gold (I Will spend 2000 in the miniset in the end) . I believe I Will be able to Buy around 70 packs for next expansión (and then Buy some more until I AM satisfied with My collection). And also feel satisfied with My darkmoon collection.
To make it shorter. I think the Game is much more F2P friendly than before but a bit more could be Made about the dust system. This actions should not be overdone, or the Game would not be lucrative or rewarding and it would just die.
I hope I am not right, but I think this cant see play as it is. Maybe new cards make me change my mind
I like this ranked spells! We will have to see them in action, but I like this one more than the warlock one for now
This card seems crazy, for now and the future of hearthstone. It's strenght will be equal to Nature spells, so I expect to see this guy quite a lot
0 Mana. Always relevant
Want to see more huunter stuff before I make a final opinion on this one. But it has potential if the rest of the set is right. Now.... 3 stars
I feel this card could make beast druid a thing on its own
I cant wait to try Control Warlock this year :D
Does anyone know if old jaraxxus stays as it is and we get the new one?
Just reached Lvl 150 and I am around 7.2k gold right now. Still a new record for gold grinded. Even after purchasing the miniset because I could not let that deal pass. Been playing a little more this week because of a personal goal. But that did not make that much of a difference. Maybe I would be at 6.9k gold without that extra time. Also this extra playtime is finishing tomorrow if I am able to achive my goal as intended.
I am also hoarding my extra classsic packs because reasons. I might have saved a bit more if I did not, (I am too much of a collector so I only dust copies that wont be used. Will still keep a regular and a golden copy of the same legendary no problem) wich caused me to open some more packs than expected for a final craft.
Pretty much still satisfied with my results.
Edit: Also still lots of Achivement xp I could get if I tried harded, might get some more in 2 days)
Right now it feels really good, even after spending 2k gold in the miniset I am at about 7k right now not playing that much every day. Also I am quite happy with my Darkmoon Faire collection so I will not spend any more gold in it. I think i will open about 85-90 packs when next expansion launches without spending a penny. Up until this last week (when I decided I wanted demon hunter to reach lvl 60 before the core set comes out, so i started doing a lvl a day) I have played mostly the dailys and then only with friends (I am not that much into ranked, but been playing it more now as I think I get more Hero XP that way)
I would love to see all Galakrond cards on their original state.
Also I would love Dino Tamer Brann and Dragon Queen Alexstrasza back (Not the part were she could discover herself, that is a nono)
Then, Arcane Golem, Powerword:Shield, Warsong Commander (I do not think patreon warrior would be that bad now) and maybe Ironbeak owl (in case it does not come back to standar)
Incredible news! Been playing it every now and then, and really enjoy it. Getting this much will be awesome
Wow, this numbers really surprised me. A friend told me yesterday "Is classic mode a good call? Can they even spread the playerbase even more?" To wich I responded "They surelly still can" but I would not have believed that many players still played.
I believe the same as I "Collector's Temptation"
Got a legendary, a golden epic, an epic and a golden rare on my last pack. So.... That was worth it...
Just reached lvl 100! Happy with my earning so far doing dailies and Weeklys
I actually love their fun factor. Not all of them are Hard Hitters, but most seem fun as f... Have 17 packs to open, will do after buying so I get more missing legs and epics.
First of all sorry about My English. I AM fighting against an autocorrected spanish keyboard On the phone.
Also upvoted Your comment as Your opinions are more than valid and Well explained
Hi! Just wanted to Say I totally agree about dust values. 3:1, 2.5:1 or 2:1 would be much healthier butI think epic and Legendary ratios are fine Now that we have the no dupes rule (I would not see a 30 pack pity timer as sth Bad for legendaries through)
Legendaries should be rare (epics too) to give players long term goals. Personally I feel getting that Legendary You really wanted, either On a pack or crafting it and playing it feels much better than Any Golden portrait and making them too common could take away from the players sense of excitement when you get one. So it can be difficult to make them much more common.
I have spent this whole year as a F2P player (RIP Character portraits I really wanted) because I wanted to experience how the Game is going for this kind of players. And right Now, I feel My collection is around the value it used to have before when I got a preorder with dupes in the mix. Also I have saved gold and packs for next expansión and miniset. Right Now I AM at 17 darkmoon packs and 6300 gold (I Will spend 2000 in the miniset in the end) . I believe I Will be able to Buy around 70 packs for next expansión (and then Buy some more until I AM satisfied with My collection). And also feel satisfied with My darkmoon collection.
To make it shorter. I think the Game is much more F2P friendly than before but a bit more could be Made about the dust system. This actions should not be overdone, or the Game would not be lucrative or rewarding and it would just die.