Neutrals just feel so good this expansion
If this card sees play... The silence rush cards will se too
Nice flavour!
Just an amazing card
If spell damage sees play. This will be part of the deck
This one is really exciting! I wanna try it
Not into it right now....
Nice turn 1 play
Not sure about this one
Will meme the hell out of it
Giberers are always fun
Interesting paladin card I want to try... I has "Taunt" as if it lives it gets another DS
I will try this one, but not hoping too much
Do not like it that much..
Cheap Shadow Priest. Pretty good
I am really exited for soul fragments this expansion
Seems pretty good.. Hoping I open it.
Neutrals just feel so good this expansion
If this card sees play... The silence rush cards will se too
Nice flavour!
Just an amazing card
If spell damage sees play. This will be part of the deck
This one is really exciting! I wanna try it
Not into it right now....
Nice turn 1 play
Not sure about this one
Will meme the hell out of it
Giberers are always fun
Neutrals just feel so good this expansion
Interesting paladin card I want to try... I has "Taunt" as if it lives it gets another DS
I will try this one, but not hoping too much
Do not like it that much..
Cheap Shadow Priest. Pretty good
I am really exited for soul fragments this expansion
Seems pretty good.. Hoping I open it.