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Joined 05/11/2021 Achieve Points 145 Posts 39

Nightmaze's Comments

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    So, just checking, but if I buy the mini-set even while having some of the cards, I still get two of each, right?

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Even though the Battle for Alterac Valley  ends January 11 we still have the whole expansion for completing the quest right? To get the other legendary.

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    It's nice that there seems to be more stuff with the Tavern Pass, but this will be a pass... for me. 

    The stuff from Mercenaries doesn't intice me much and the things from battlegrounds much less. 

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Just like in mercs, If they are not an Orc I have no idea if it's Alliance or Horde. But the ciemetic got me pumped for the new expansion. 

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    This sounds pretty cool! A welcome change to the normal expansion mode. I'm partial to the Allience, but I imagine the Horde is a lot more popular, so their chances of winning are better. 

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    I wish more offers were like this one. It's the closest thing to a "fair" price from Blizz. 

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    What a shame that Blizz didn't bring drops for this event, it seems like a really cool group of players that could get more exposure.  Cause let's be honest, pack drops drive a lot of the viewership on these competitions. 

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    The free packs didn't show up, but the new offers and bundles sure did.

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    So... Out of all the criticism and problems mercercenaries has, they decide to "fix" the easiest way F2P people had of getting resources...

    How Blizzard of them.

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    I don't know, it looks too much like the autumn leaf cardback. Maybe they could've done something with another theme. 

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    Are redesign cards available for full dust refund?? 

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    The Jaina and Anduin are definitely the coolest. 

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    C'mon now. Lol What heart and soul?? I never said that. This isn't a mom an pops store down the street. If you want to discuss semantics, be my guest. It doesn't change the fact that even though HS is a great game, it's still a "cash grab" game. 

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    What are you talking about?? If they can sell USD 50,00 bundles based on the "cover" they've shown, than we definitely get to judge it based on it as well. Yes, when the game mode gets released it might be a completely different scenario, but that doesn't negate the criticisms made on what we were presented now.

    And cash grab is just the nature of these gatcha games. HS itself is a cash grab. It's a great game! But it's still incredibly reliant on the randomness of packs and the incentive for you to buy more to have fun. It's gambling. Now, not everyone falls for it, but clearly a lot of people do. And they simply replicated for the new mode. It might be more forgiving? Yes. But it's still based on the same system, so it's not going to stray too much from the model we all know. 

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    I get that. But Mercenaries is not only a pve mode. They are clearly incentivizing the pvp aspect with this choice of monetization and from what I've seen in gameplay videos they released, the rewards are bigger in pvp, just like exp in normal HS. Don't get me wrong, it might be great content just like BGs, with lots of f2p resources... but it's still a HS redux in terms of access. And like I said, it didn't need to be. If they think BGs is too cheap, they could've done at least something in the middle of that and normal HS, without delving into the gatcha model.  

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    I don't agree that the players are ruining the game. Maybe we can share the blame. Players are unhappy because of decisions Blizzard AND developers made, they don't get a pass on responsibility since they said multiple times that they have freedom to make decisions. It's also their job to have a pulse on the community, since we are part of the game. Yes, some people go overboard with the things they say, but there's also a lot of valid criticism, I don't think is fair to only focus on the extremes.

    AS for the new mode, I've seen Iksar clearly say multiple times in his AMAs that it was taking up from other areas, so clearly they are sharing responsibilities. Now tell me, why did we need a new mode? They devoted all this time an resources that could have been used in making the games we already have, better. But not only that, we got a new mode that no matter how forgiving it is to f2p, is still monetized like a casino. And yes, every game that implements gatcha systems is a cash grab. And that already being one the most criticized things about traditional HS, they still chose to do exact same thing. No matter how fun the gameplay is, it's still predatory, when easily it didn't have to be. And I think is perfectly valid for the players to point that out. 

    And honestly the whole speech of "if you're not happy, leave" is such a cop out. Extremely reductive not only for the discussion, but the game itself. If people didn't actually like the game and weren't passionate about it, they wouldn't be playing it. Being positive is not always going to make something better. 

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    As it should've been from the beginning. It was such an unnecessary restriction since you need to actually use your collection to start a game. And I think it would make it even more accessible if they make that initial collection only standard cards, and then offer card pools from wild expansions. 

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I enjoy the game itself just fine, thank you. I just don't feel the need to praise a company that clearly has a very aggressive monetization scheme. And yes, HS has became more affordable over the years, but it's still ridiculously predatory. I know reporting on the game is your job, but you don't have to keep defending the multi million dollar corporation from mean comments on the internet.  

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Look, if you want to continue licking the master's boot, go right ahead. 

  • Nightmaze's Avatar
    145 39 Posts Joined 05/11/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Exactly! We are already being ripped off by Blizzard year round...

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