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Scorpyon's Comments

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    In a thread that asks for opinion-based responses detailing what each person thinks about a how decks have been faring, none of that really makes any difference or is especially relevant to the question. 
    That was actually the original point I was tying to make in my second post, in fact - that it doesn't matter what other people's personal feelings about the deck are. And there  certainly hasn't been long enough of this new meta for any statistical analysis to bear much weight. You'd need a good month or two for that.
    The core question was what decks do you think are surprisingly bad this expansion. Mech Hunter falls into that category for me. 

    It has definitely been surprisingly bad so far.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From NightCrawler
    Quote From Scorpyon


    Quote From No Author Specified
    Mech hunter is a mediocre deck in a vacuum, but it is carried by it's great matchups against popular decks.


    The one problem with that sentence is that it is missing a vital part. It should read:
    Mech hunter is a mediocre deck in a vacuum, but it was carried by it's great matchups against last expansion's popular decks.

    And that's why it gets listed in this thread as a currently bad deck. It is no longer any good against most of the popular decks in this current expansion, because they all have too many solid tech tools to deal with it. 
    Sure, you might eke out a few wins with an off-meta deck that deals with it - but so will any bad deck. The point is that it is no longer a good deck to consider trying to rank up with in comparison with more consistently good decks.

    Did you even read my post?  Mech hunter is carried by it's great matchups against popular decks in the current meta.  I even listed several decks popular right now that mech hunter is good against.  Some of which didn't exist in RoS.  I'm going to reiterate: giants mages (Reno, dragon, freeze, sandwitch, all tier 2 now), slower hunters (Reno, midrange, secrets, tier 1 and 2 now), quest druids, quest shaman (literally didn't exist last expansion)

    If anything, the meta is currently better than mech hunter than it was in RoS

    I suppose I could ask the same thing. You don't appear to have read what I wrote there.
    I didn't say Mech Hunter was bad against all decks from this expansion. I said it was BETTER against decks from the last one. It will still do ok against slow greedy decks, like Mage, Quest Druid, etc because they take too long to come online. But against the really popular decks of this meta like Control Warrior, it is noticably bad.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Quote From No Author Specified
    Mech hunter is a mediocre deck in a vacuum, but it is carried by it's great matchups against popular decks.

    The one problem with that sentence is that it is missing a vital part. It should read:
    Mech hunter is a mediocre deck in a vacuum, but it was carried by it's great matchups against last expansion's popular decks.

    And that's why it gets listed in this thread as a currently bad deck. It is no longer any good against most of the popular decks in this current expansion, because they all have too many solid tech tools to deal with it. 
    Sure, you might eke out a few wins with an off-meta deck that deals with it - but so will any bad deck. The point is that it is no longer a good deck to consider trying to rank up with in comparison with more consistently good decks.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From NightCrawler
    Quote From Scorpyon

    - Mech Hunter; This meta is full of control and Ctrl Warrior in particular is even stronger. Mech Hunter (thankfully) has mostly died a death now.

    Nope.  My brawl matches yesterday at 8 wins, 10 wins, 11 wins and 11-2 were all mech (bomb) hunters.  Ranks 1-2 when I was there a few days ago was full of bomb hunter.  Bomb hunters thrash all kinds of mages and other hunters and those are some of the most popular classes out there right now.  Bomb hunter is also faring quite well on HSReplay at high tier 2

    It's true that their numbers took a dip after the expansion but I'm pretty sure it's only due to their pilots deciding to try out new things for awhile.  There's nothing wrong with the deck's power level itself and it counters the meta harder than ever so it's still a stellar ladder choice if a player is so inclined to play for only climbing

    I beat Mech Hunters all the time, without a problem, and went 10 wins on the brawl facing mostly people playing that deck.
    But my own anecdotal evidence doesn't account for much, because everyone's experiences with / against different decks will always be varied and specific to them.
    (If you get the meaning behind that sentence; saying a deck is good/bad because you did well (or badly) with it isn't really a fair argument)

    The point being that I believe the deck is certainly not as strong as it was in the previous meta. Whether it is "bad" or not is mostly down to personal opinion. So while I can say that I think it now is, you can also say you think it isn't. But it's one of those questions that can't really be answered accurately until the meta has had a month or two to settle. :-)

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Yeah trying to stick Glinda is often near impossible against most competitive decks unless you're really lucky. And if your deck hinges on that, that's going to be a problem.
    I've found the best bet is usually one of the Rogue options.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    In terms of decks that turned out to be surprisingly bad "in this expansion", I would say:

    - Bomb Warrior; everyone decried how this would ruin every highlander deck. And that just didnt happen, like at all

    - Quest Mage; some people thought this would be strong, some didn't. It turned out not to be. Maybe not a huge surprise, but there we are.

    - Mech Hunter; This meta is full of control and Ctrl Warrior in particular is even stronger. Mech Hunter (thankfully) has mostly died a death now.

    - Quest Paladin; There were some impressive Theorycrafted decks that simply didn't work out. The deck is surprisingly not as good as hoped, mainly because it runs out of steam too fast and is slow to get going properly

    - Any Highkeeper Ra deck; As yet I've still to see this work for any deck consistently. There's a couple of really meme-y versions out there, but they struggle

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From sto650
    Quote From Scorpyon

    I’m really hoping not to get any quests at first because the legendaries seem so much better. 

    The quests have been quite underwhelming, but that’s not a complaint. Rather just an observation. 

    if I had to choose, then I probably say Unseal the Vault because hunter simply doesnt need it.

    You're guaranteed to get one free

    Probably hack the System then, since it forces a requirement to load your deck with weapons which become dead cards in your hand if you are already wielding one

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I’m really hoping not to get any quests at first because the legendaries seem so much better. 

    The quests have been quite underwhelming, but that’s not a complaint. Rather just an observation. 

    if I had to choose, then I probably say Unseal the Vault because hunter simply doesnt need it.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Yes, 100% agree. I dont think downvoting ever reall promotes positivity and is probably better to be removed. 

    In reply to The "Downvote Effect"
  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From RavenSunHS

    I always had unconvinced opinions about the whole downvoting system, in any portion of the website, because it is sometimes used to bash people, while i give it's also useful, in average, to kinda educate the users to polite and constructive behavior.

    But forcing people to post pretty much kills the whole purpose of a fast and anonymous reaction.

    At that point, it's just better to remove the button.

    If the system was used in a constructive way, I think it would be fine - the problem however, is that anonymity breeds negativity on the internet (usually). 

    An example of this can be seen when a new card is revealed and someone posts something innocuous like “I like this card.” And then gets a dozen downvotes because it wasn't the card that some other angrypeople wanted. There’s not much there in the way of constructive criticism and the poster can feel victimised just for liking a card - that sort of thing can drive users away out of fear that voicing anything positive will be mocked or hated, seemingly without reason. 

    In reply to The "Downvote Effect"
  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Any time bro! ;-)

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I used to live for getting hold of boxes of MtG or WoW TCG cards. So I know that feeling well!

    Enjoy! Oh, and happy birthday, bud!

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I'm going to be "that boring guy" - my decision on the pre-order for an expansion tends to rely almost always on whether I can find the funds in the monthly budget or not, rather than anything about the expansion itself.

    Since I know I am going to want to continue to play Hearthstone and try and keep up with the meta, I will usually end up buying the pre-order (if I can afford it) just so I don't have to worry about losing ground on the collection.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I suppose there is a natural human response when you see someone has obviously disliked your post to want to at least understand why. 

    I can get behind that sentiment; if your post was wrong or bad, feedback about why is helpful. 

    In hindsight, I guess thats partly why sites like Facebook removed the option to downvote because it feels like the option only exists to upset people. Perhaps its just a minor thing but I agree with what Sherman’s getting at.

    In reply to The "Downvote Effect"
  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Cheers! I didnt see that there!

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I just wondered if there was a way to send a PM to someone on the site (I couldn't find a means to do so), rather than creating a thread (which seems like the wrong thing to do)?

    If not, what is the best way to talk to someone on the forum about an issue that is within the boundaries of what is allowed on the forum please?

    Thanks - I don't know where else to ask this.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Did you try clearing your cookies?

    That fixed the problem for everyone else. It helps to ask around. :-

    In reply to None
  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    These are fan sites supporting the community for the game we all love. 

    Competition and comparison is fine, but allowing division to enter only hurts everyone in the end. 

    At the end of the day, the official forums and Reddit get the biggest slice of the pie. Which is probably to be expected

    Aside from that, more power to all of us. Let it be about the game that we love and not about which URL we choose to visit and hang out. 

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Nice deck! Good job!
    I've seen a fair number of silence priests recently. I was wondering if they were a good counter to something or if a streamer had been playing recently, etc.
    Nice to see a bit more variety - I got caught out the first time with this deck. In fairness I was expecting it to be Mecathun for some weird reason. I don't know why - I guess I've seen so few priests on ladder lately that you don't know what to expect! Haha! :-D

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From RavenSunHS
    Quote From dib
    Quote From RavenSunHS

    Ok, but even that card looks a lot less cartoony.



    Personally, I am all against cartoony characters, but this is just a card.

    Also, Faerie Dragon is cartoonish just as much. I mean, a magic frog with batterfly wings. And as if it wasn't ridiculous enough, deemed a Dragon. Eh...


    The clue is probably in the name though ;-)