Snailborne's Avatar


Joined 06/12/2019 Achieve Points 30 Posts 38

Snailborne's Comments

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Looks like a meme-tier combo to be honest. What bugs me is that many of us are going to open it in our packs...

    Also generating this from random effects is gonna feel real bad...

    Can't wait to see someone pull some crazy combo win with this though!

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Really liking this take on the discard mechanic. Not only is it more consistant and doesn't rely on as much RNG - you end up trading a bit of tempo for some later game value. 

    Seems like a good potential fit in control style warlocks, and IMO has a solid chance to see play.

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Haven't been playing wild too frequently, but I do dip in every so often. The feeling I'm getting is that this combo potentially counters the aggro side of the meta, and stuff like big priest and control decks (if they don't somehow start rolling too quickly, like barnes on 4\3). 

    Problem is, if this gets too popular - you can counter it with equally boring combo decks like some of the Mecha'thun decks and the Paladin Death Knight OTK (though this is probably harder to pull off compared to Mecha'thun). Some Mecha'thun decks in particular, like the warlock variant, could counter both this armor deck and aggro decks as well - which may result in a sudden surge in popularity.

    All in all, I'm not very worried about this specific combo, since there are ways around it. It may just be the thing that really shakes the wild meta this time around, we will have to wait and see. Besides, who knows - we still haven't seen like 95% of the cards or something like that - maybe there are more ridiculous combos out there...

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Love the new layout - especially on mobile!

    Great work guys!

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I'm using a Galaxy Note 9, with Android 9 - not been having any issues whatsoever.

    I am getting the thing where it tries to download some small patch sometimes, so it is probably not due to old Android versions...

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I won't lie - Khadgar is really hard, and gets rolling quite quickly with the potential of some insane synergies, especially on Heroic - but to go as far as to say that you must cheese him is too much.

    I've been playing the 5th wing of the Heroic Heist since it came out, with the sole purpose of clearing it with every class, deck and hero power. So far, I've completed 8 heroes, half of which I beat with 2 hero powers and decks. The only time I used the Sound the Bells cheese was when I've first found out about it - and I've just wanted to experience it. 

    There are many ways to beat Khadgar, and all it takes is a good combination of cards \ treasures and sometimes just a bit of luck. My main strategy against him is to not care so much about his early turns, but try to slow his roll at all costs towards the 4-5 mana mark. He usually spams a lot of cheap spells early on, which can deal with a lot of cheap minions and deal ~20 damage easily, but then he runs out of steam - so just roll over his elemental dudes and you should be in a good position to win. If you are having trouble, try looking into Anomaly mode - some anomaly effects you can really build around, and the last 4 mages have a hard time exploiting them well, thus resulting in a net positive effect for you :)

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Haven't pre-purchased yet, I usually tend to wait until at least ~75% of the cards are released. I don't feel too confident in putting my money on a product based on hype alone.

    If I do end up pre-purchasing, I will probably just get the 80 packs + hero deal, although to be honest - unlike many people here, I kind of feel like Elise is a bit lackluster as a druid skin. I'm also a bit disappointed that we're getting another night-elf druid, I really wish Blizzard would introduce more races to each class. That being said, I completely agree with the Elise skin both from a flavor point of view, and from a buisness view (LoE is a fan favorite expansion, and the main heroes are mostly liked by fans - to the point of seeing Elise for a 3rd time now).

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Glad they nerfed heroic Haro again. This guy was more often than not a decisive loss for the player, unless you had a completely broken deck.

    Glad they buffed some of the bosses as well - many of them felt too eaay for sure, but I just hope they didn't overdo it.

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I got 1.9k gold and 24k dust. I might also buy a prepurchase deal - if it is more or less in line with previous deals in terms of value.

    Pretty sure we got around 1.5-2 months until the next release, should be enough to amass a good sum of gold for packs.

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Honestly - I missed playing priest for a while. Will definitely try out your list! :)

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    1st try! Thank you :)

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    If the past is anything to go by - they will just introduce some new cards as replacements. I really hope they would make something more interesting than the last batch - these ones feel dull to even when I get them randomly...

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Bomb Squad

    Same cost

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I think I saw someone post a thread about this in the feature suggestion sub-forum, and the OoC team is planning to add it in the future.

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    I've had this as well when the last patch hit (the buff patch), but after opening each deck it just went away - simply stopped. I know that Blizzard mentioned this as a thing that needs fixing - but after the initial problems with it I've never encountered it again.

    Did the decks you already open and close show up as incomplete again?

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Wow guys, I'm really happy this idea seems to resonate with many of you!

    Thank you all :)

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    The party recruiting idea could be really nice - might actually be a viable alternative to just flat out starting the run with a pre-made deck - really like it! But since they announced that they are doing a connected storyline throughout the year - something like this might not get implemented until later on - unless the story progresses into people taking up arms against Rafaam, and recruiting parties or whatever. I kind of doubt they would go for something like this, since they also claimed that the reason we're getting more lackeys with every expansion this year is due to "the growing presence of the league of E.V.I.L", so unless we're getting some sort of bad-guy team-up \ raid sort of thing against the good dudes - it probably won't happen.

    Regarding the pacing - now that you mention it, it kinda bugs me as well - it is actually really rare to get anything out of your last treasure. Good point.

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Hi everyone!

    I know that the Tavern Brawl is not the most popular game mode out there, but I certainly really like it and look forward to it each week (despite the last few being quite disappointing in my opinion). While the site is configured to display the brawl name and if it is even on, the little tidbit just sits there in the corner, with a dark-ish tone and design that fits the site quite well - making it blend in too much with the background of everything.

    My proposal is very simple - just turn the lights on in the Tavern Brawl background when it is on. That way, it would be harder to miss when the brawl is in effect, and at a quick glance - without even having to read the text. When the Brawl ends and we are waiting for another - just turn the lights off to the current design. Now I really don't know how difficult something like this is to implement, and if it can be automated in any way - but if it is possible - I think many people might like it.

    I've made a small mashup of how it might look like - and I would really like to hear people's opinions on the matter!
    Idea Mashup


  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Massive congratulations!

    Always nice seeing people sharing good vibes ^_^

  • Snailborne's Avatar
    30 38 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    That's fair. But I always feel like the structure of the dungeon-style adventures is good the way it is - for the first few runs. Maybe a good compromise would be to unlock the choice of treasure at the start after some conditions have been met, i.e. beating the wing once \ a few times or completing certain objectives or whatever. It might even be fine on its own, I really don't know - and would actually like to play-test the feature you are describing.

    Another point that just came to me is the spacing between meaningful progression - since these dungeon-styled adventures seem to be based around the 8 boss system (and this seems to just be a blueprint they have used since it was first introduced - thus less likely to change) - it means that if we choose a treasure earlier, the time between each "special" deck altering event (i.e. treasures, special cards, taverns) is increased. It may be fine, but I fear that it may cause certain portions of the run to feel like they lack meaningful deck-altering progression, and just feel dull with only card buckets available in between fights.

    At the end of the day - I don't feel like we have enough info to go on. It would of course always be nice to have more features - these allow for greater customization and increase replayability exponentially, but on the other hand - I think that the current form of the heist is ultimately very enjoyable as is, and I'm a bit too afraid to temper with it (especially since it can be way WAY worse than it is now).

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