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Joined 06/13/2019 Achieve Points 250 Posts 21

swinkscalibur's Comments

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I think it would be cool if the decks led to a format specifically for preconstructed decks. Similar to PTCGO. There is something nice about everyone being on the same footing competition wise. There has to be a critical mass of decks though.

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I like the idea of this thread. To me though you have laid out at least two (up to four) separate things that I think are real possibilites for hearthstone.

    1. Custom Tournaments - will happen eventually

    2. The evolution of Tavern Brawls. We have seen one evolution of tavern brawls (extending their time). The next evolution is to merge your tables idea with the concept of the brawl and community/dev curation. The next evolution of brawls will be several concurrent brawls at different "tables".

    • The Weekly Blast from the Past - A table for your "standard of the past" based format.
    • The Weekly Alternative History Brawl - A table for a unique combination of "X" cards sets from the Past. 
    • Gamblers Table - A table for past and potentially new Random deck brawls.
    • Developer's Choice - A table for new and past Brawls of the developers choice. 
    • Wanderer's House Rules - Two different tables for community created rule sets. The current list of officially submitted rule sets (in browser maybe?) would be accessible for community voting with weekly winners being granted the next two slots.

    The idea of expanding the Tavern Brawl mode just makes sense as it has a similar purpose, providing new and exciting ways to play. It also improves player pool issue as well as ensuring people don't have to wait around for someone to challenge them to their cool new rule set idea. There could also be an option to include the option of Heroic Brawl status for one of these brawls a week (for those most competitive of heart).

    3. The 2v2 Game Option - Not a bad idea, long way from being a polished solution. But I would love a permanent option for co-op. Hard to prevent friends from having a massive advantage or randoms though. And it might kill half the fun if you could kill the advantage anyway.

    4. The Endless Dungeon Run - This sounds like an awesome start to a permanent single player mode, however the implementation of this will be really, really tricky. The amount of thought needed to endlessly extend a survival style dungeoneering style PVE sounds immense on the generous side and perhaps impossible.


  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Think about killing an early Rat Pack that picked up a couple buffs, or the 3/1 Mech. Sometime you would be selling them off to move to a different build and you may be able to get a refund or extra coin depending on your current board state. You could also use sneed's to get a roll at special legendaries. 

    Ultimately I think you just make her HP trigger deathrattles and it is the right amount of buff and increase to strategy to make her fun.

    Also I fixed the spelling for your OCD lol.

    In reply to Sylvanas Idea
  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Sylvanas' Hero Power is weird and weak. It would be so much cooler if she just killed the minion. There are some pretty cool combos you can pull off including powerful economic boost. 

    Wondering what people think it should cost and whether it needs to keep the stat boost. What if any combos would break the game or be OP?

    In reply to Sylvanas Idea
  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I did that over at hearthpwn back in the day. I dont have as much time as I used to though

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    The deck in my signature was inspired by adding Animated Avalanche to the aggrieved elemental mage by Chump.

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I like the idea. I had an idea that was meant to create a "deck builders" format as well.

    A New Custom Game Mode - Market Melee

    As you all know Hearthstone has 5 game modes which exist at this current time:

    1. Play Mode - (Constructed Decks - Collection Based - PVP - both Casual and Competitive - Wild and Standard Card Sets)
    2. Practice Mode - (Constructed Decks - Collection Based - PVE - Casual - Wild Card Set)
    3. Arena Mode - (Semi Random Decks - Draft Based - PVP - Competitive - Standard Card Set)
    4. Tavern Brawl Mode - (Varied Structures for all catagories except that it is always casual)
    5. Battlegrounds Mode - (completely different style of game using the cards we know and love)

    These 5 Modes do cover a fairly wide array of options for Game play styles, however I have always thought that Hearthstone could use a game mode which really highlights a player's ability to build creative decks alongside the ability to pilot them.

    In short, Market Melee is a month long alternative ladder with a mostly-limited format. It highlights deckbuilding, creativity and deep skill with traditionally undervalued cards.

    Format Basics:

    • Show Spoiler
      • Market Melee attempts to capture the fun experience of the recent Oktoberbrawl twitch event which allowed players to build a new account in a controlled limited way, while also tying in the challenge of deckbuilding with undervalued cards.
      • Players would pay an entry fee to begin a Market Madness "Run" (1000g) which lasts for a full season (perhaps there should be a few days turn over like with tavern brawl).
      • After beginning a run the player would be granted a 400 market gems, plus 10 gems for each day into the season which has passed (so not to punish late starts quite so hard).
      • Using the gems the player must construct competitive decks by acquiring cards to add to the basic set.
      • Gems will also be the rewards for winning games - with more rewards given during win streaks.
      • Matchmaking will be based on ladder position

     Deck Construction:

    • Show Spoiler
      • The deck construction involves two mechanics: Pack Opening and Card Auction 
      • The player would need to balance their Gem Budget between purchasing and opening packs and purchasing/loaning cards through the auction.
      • Opening a pack would cost 10 gems.
      • Card Purchase/Auction values are determined by two factors - card rarity and card usage, with rarity determining base cost and demand modifier.
      • Legendaries would have a base purchase cost of 100 gems, Epics - 50, Rares - 25, and Common/Basics - 10. The demand modifier is determined by the number of that card set up to be auctioned in a given season and how often it has been purchased. 
      • A card is only available for purchase if at least 1 player has put it up for Auction.
      • Gems can also be gained by putting obtained cards up for Auction; values earned are 80% of current purchase prices
      • The more "in-demand" a card is, the higher the demand modifier (aka you pay a premium), if a card is "low-demand" enough, the demand modifier will put the card on "Sale" 
      • All Basic Cards are available for free

    Market Packs:

    • Show Spoiler
      • The "Market Packs" would be a special type of pack belonging to the "Shopkeeper" and would be game mode specific (the cards are not added to the players collection).
      • They would contain cards selected from all available cards for the Season (the set of cards available can change from Season to Season - ex} one season wild, one season standard, one season custom etc.)
      • The packs would contain 5 cards as usual


    • Show Spoiler
      • Winning a game earns 1 gem, a win streak gives an addition gem for each win past 2 (3rd win gives 2 gems, 5th gives 4 gems etc.)
      • Rewards are given in Packs, gold and Dust at seasons end based on Ladder results
      • Unused/Earned Gems are converted directly to dust at a 1-to-1.
  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    The deck is fairly tricky to play well. There have been decks out there with similar styles, however they usually don’t have Zerek and do add a Galakrond package. I found this version to be more consistent. 

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Glad you’re liking it. I am loving it. Gonna publish my Highlander Token Druid soon. Also doing well with it. (Also uses mechs and goblin bomb cards)

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I have made some tweaks to the deck myself. As some suggested, the early game plays of leper gnome and goblin bomb were not worth it. I replaced them with a couple adds that were a bit less wea

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I would replace the Sandbinder with a Defender of Argus (I had it in an earlier build and it was quite good). While drawing Sandbinder after drawing Zephrys is a bit of a bummer in theory, in practice you usually win before that is an issue since you played Zephrys. 

    Also Flark is quite powerful in this deck, but if you need a replacement you could play a Highmane or some other value card with aggression. Missle Launcher could also be an option since it has magnetic and works well with Venomizer.

    I am still toying with the 1 drops in this deck, trying to decide if the early damage is worth the poor draws later in the game.

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Zephrys is sooooo good in this deck. Running Sandbinder to give yourself 2x the chance to draw it IS worth it. Also you don't want sandbinder to pull Siamat, it does not fit the idea of this deck. By turn 7 you are hoping to win the game not play Siamat. If you get Zephrys before sandbinder it is no big deal, you don't really run out of cards in this deck too much. If there was a card to draw Brann I would run one too, both of those cards are game winners (Especially if you play smart with them).

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    It was alright, but I have tweaked my list and will update soon (updated now).

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Yes, it tutors for exactly Zephrys. Doubling your chances to draw Zephrys is HUGE. If you have an unused Sandbinder, you likely don't have to play it. This deck has enough staying power to keep blasting away, I even have a good record vs Taunt control warrior.

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Yeah I am not sure what the deal is. Since posting I have gone an additional 8-3 and I am now at rank 4 - 4 stars with an overall record of 29-6. I am really in disbelief myself, I have usually just been casual before, I have been to rank 2 once before playing quest rogue before it became popular and was later nerfed. I don't know if people are downvoting because they think I am lying or because they don't like the idea of an aggro hunter deck, but I am no expert player and I feel like I could ride this deck to legend for the first time without sweating.

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Hey Everyone, just thought I'd come on here and share my rediculous deck. This is a modification of Mech Hunter that has been fantastic for me. I took it from rank 13 to rank 5 with exactly 3 losses. 

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I am excited for Priest. I like the Grandmummy.

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Leeroy + inner rage + rampage + inner rage + bloodsworn = 26 damage for 10 mana with 5 cards.

    In wild, with Thaurasan you can get up to 48 damage with Leeroy + Inner rage + 2x Rampage + Inner rage + 2x Bloodsworn.

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I think limitations means that abilities in this area will be limited in some way. This is random card generation not card draw and it is very narrow in scope. The draw 3 beasts card also has strict limits in that you need no non beast minions.

  • swinkscalibur's Avatar
    Rexxar 250 21 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Plot Twist Elekk quest warlock incoming.

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