Update 2: Maintenance has concluded.
Update: We're still in lowish traffic for the overnight period to let's get this done!
In just over an hour from this post, Out of Cards will be going offline for maintenance. Downtime is expected to be no longer than 30 minutes.
- Maintenace begins at 05:00 Eastern.
- 02:00 Pacific
- 09:00 GMT
- 11:00 CEST
You will be unable to access the site while we're down and automatic collection uploads for Hearthstone through our Deck Tracker Plugin will fail.
This is the major part of a migration effort that we've been working on for a few weeks now since we have outgrown our host and have decided on a more affordable solution for the site going forward.
Sorry for the outage!
Maintenance has concluded. Sorry for the additional time!
good luck !
Super disappointed this is being postponed :( Always encountering problems, the story of my life
See you in about 2 hours then and thanks for the heads up <3