WINNERS: Franklintheturtle, OmarComing, SirSmorcalot, ArcticFox, Korialstrasz
Blizzard has given us 5 codes to giveaway to the Out of Cards community for the upcoming Saviors of Uldum expansion! Are you interested? Here's what you need to do to potentially get your hands on one!
- Leave a comment on this news article telling us what your favourite Uldum card is so far. Tell us why it is your favourite.
Each of the 5 bundles we're giving away contain the following:
- 50 Saviors of Uldum card packs.
- Elise Starseeker card back.
- A random Golden Legendary card from Saviors of Uldum.
This bundle is worth $50 USD! Thanks Blizzard for the codes!
Giveaway Rules and Important Details
- If you have pre-ordered the expansion already, you cannot apply this code to your account.
- You may enter this giveaway once. If you're using multiple accounts, you will be disqualified.
- These codes will work on the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific Hearthstone realms.
- The giveaway concludes on August 1 at 11:59 PM EDT.
- We will send the winners their code via Direct Message on Out of Cards. You will have 48 hours to respond to our message to get your code.
Saviors of Uldum Pre-Orders
If you want to pre-order the new expansion, you can do so in-game or on the shop up until expansion launch on August 6.
- There is a second bundle available, the Mega Bundle, which instead contains 80 card packs and the Elise Starseeker Druid hero.
- Both bundles can be purchased if you desire, coming in at a total of 130 card packs for $130 USD!
Buy Standard Bundle Buy Mega Bundle
Another Saviors of Uldum Giveaways
We're also running another Saviors of Uldum giveaway to celebrate the new expansion. Visit our dedicated giveaway page for more information.
Learn More About Saviors of Uldum
Looking to learn more about Hearthstone's upcoming expansion, Saviors of Uldum? Look no further, head on over to our Saviors of Uldum expansion guide.
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so far this Wild Bloodstinger is a good counter to some combo deck
It's got to be Sir Finley of the Sands. Very excited to see what kind of highlander paladin decks can take advantage of the upgraded hero power (particularly in Wild). Though I have to say, I'm also excited for all the plague cards since they have such sick animations.
My favorite card so far is High Priest Amet. I think it is a really interesting ability that allows for tons of different synergy. Although it allows for various synergies (most notably the already discovered OTK strategy), I am most interested in trying to make a viable Star Aligner combo deck.
Priest is probably my favorite class in terms of flavor, so I love when Priest gets diversity in its playable decks. I can't wait to see what other support cards Priest will get in this expansion to make Star Aligner Priest viable.
Also, how cool would it be for Madame Lazul to literally align the stars when telling your fortune?!
EVIL Recruiter is the best, mostly because I love Zoo :D
My favorite card so far is definetely Raid the Sky Temple
I love these sort of card generation effects, and I sure will love to have a deck built around it!
Blast opponents with random spells and laughing as I get something useless off of it will be a lot of fun!
Needless to say, Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron is second of my favorites
elements I like, totems I love, lackeys... I adore!
My fav new card, great art. It’s a mummy and a mech, that’s just silly
Favorite card so far is Wild Bloodstinger, im not an hunter player myself but i think this card is super strong, excellent stat line and the chance of not killing the minion that it pulls out is like less than 10%, overall a better Dirty Rat imo, would've loved to see this card in classes that i play.
Expired Merchant because disco warlock is always a fun option.
Hard for me to choose a favorite, but I'm quite fond of Mogu Cultist for a couple reasons. First, I like that it has so much flavor and significance while not being a Legendary. It seems Legendaries tend to hog the spotlight a lot of the time in terms of both significant characters and effects. That makes sense a lot of the time, but I'm happy to see an epic that I'm going to want to get as much as any Legendary. The little story packed into the effects is great-- the cultists performing some sort of ritual and possibly sacrificing themselves to summon the great titanic keeper Ra-- and I love the challenge of trying to figure out how to spring the combo. It's like a unofficual neutral quest in a sense, which I think is great. I love the strategic elements of games like this, so I'm looking forwards to experimenting with as many classes as I can to see what will work and what won't, a sort of Hearthstone pet project I suppose.
Plague of Murlocs. I love Shaman and hate big priest.
I like Hack the System because aggressive pirate package is fun to play with, especially in wild.
My favorite card so far, is the latest revealed one, Livewire Lance. Lackeys have been a great addition to Hearthstone, and with the pool increasing adding more fun lackeys to your hand seems amazing!
Definitely Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron! I LOVE Yogg and can't wait to build a deck full of random spell casting in wild!
I'm looking forward to all the new possibilities High Priest Amet brings to the Priest class.
my favourite card so far is Plague of Murlocs, just because MRRRGGGGGLLLLLL
Excited for High Priest Amet! Wild zoo WILL be a thing!
My favorite so far is definitely Elise the Enightened. It enables so many new and unique combos for the Malygos Heal Druid deck I already have built. Overflow comes in as a close second though- will be nice to find all of my combo pieces and Lucentbark much faster. Excited for all of the combo support Druid’s getting in this set
because one Bloodreaver Gul'dan is not enough
My favorite card is:
Because I think that taunt warrior was healthy way of playing control warrior, and if blizzard are pushing this mechanic it might be alternative to type of warrior deck's that we see now. Also Stonehill Defender was strong card while was in standard, but one that doesn't feel like your opponent made something OP when they played it. (Of course when Sunkeeper Tarim was pulled it was annoying, but blame tarim on that not stonehill). This card is similar obviously, but also slightly different (stats, cost, warrior tag) so i'm curious if it is good, my prediction is that it is, and in a healthy way.
C'mon, that's funny and when you look at card, you can hear him say: ZOINKS!! :D