Reveal season continues for Legends of Runeterra's upcoming expansion to Beyond the Bandlewood - Magic Misadventures!
Today we've got 2 new cards that have been revealed by Riot and they include a brand new subtype called "Mecha-Yordle". The two new cards generate Mecha-Yordles from a set of 11 of them, all of which you can find below. If you want to start playing around with these cards before Magic Misadventures goes live on December 8, you can head on over to our deckbuilder to start theorycrafting new decks to play.
On another note, Veigar's Level 2 was apparently changed into a Mech-Yordle as well but they still haven't shown how relevant it is just like the normal Yordle sub-type.
So I suspect that Rumble himself will be pure BC since they chose to have no specific region tied to robotic yordle shenanigans.
He is going to be dual region with Noxus.
Is this confirmed or just speculation? Because I personally really doubt that unless they just threw in some new lore that made no sense for the character at all. They have done that to an extent given Ziggs but at least with Ziggs you could justify it if you squint really hard. Noxus on the other hand is a country all about being the best and earning your way and meanwhile Rumble is a runt of the litter that has a robot that is...sort of a mess.
They did it with both Ziggs, Veigar Lulu and in the lore neither one of them has any ties to region were they are played in LOR.
In a way rumble fits the noxian idea since he was the outsider guy who got bullied by others until he built "tristy" and messed the bullies up.Now he's the mechanized menace, an infamous fighter.
He certainly would fit into p & Z and shurima aswell but since those got their yordle already I think it's fair to assume that rumble will be a discard themed aggro/midrange champion for bc noxus
It's been leaked. Though the leak I saw hides a bunch of stats and the first region, so who knows how accurate it is.
I hope it isn't because after Sion got released I felt queasy playing Noxus since it got so...dark and vicious....that said if they wanna do it that way I guess nothing can stop them.
Mecha Yordles you say... I smell a Rumble Release comming soon
You get impact and you get impact... everyone get impact.
On more serious note Tristana design is finally starting to make sense.