The card reveals for "The Darkin Saga: Awakening" expansion continue with 6 more cards from Freljord and Shadow Isles. Among them are a new Cultist card and another Darkin Equipment.
New Cards
Which of the new cards is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!
Quietus is going to be a premium removal in SI Freljord decks and if I understand Senna's ruling right it also can destroy equipments at fast speed when senna is in play.
Killing an ally to grant another +2/+2 for 1 is quite powerful in SI.
Having a 2 mana 2/2 fearsome lifesteal is fine but that's hardly better than tasty faefolk... and that's a questionable card in ionia, a region that can protect it's units
The spear however looks rather meh even if granting fearsome is quite cool
Granting all units and Equipments +1/+1 in deck isn't that great but adding the effect to a draw 1 and 4 nexus heal makes it overall look quite good
Granting 4/4 for 5 is... proably quite bad.