The card reveals for "The Darkin Saga: Domination" expansion continue with seven more card reveals from Shurima and Shadow Isles, two of which are Landmarks.
New Cards
Will these cards slot well into some already existing decks? Let us know in the comments below!
Yes let's let Kindred/Nasus get Tarrosh out even sooner! gg
Why would ever use this in Kindred/Nasus?
The only Darkin in that deck is Taarosh and you only run two copies of it, you also want to have an aggressive early game in order to put you opponent within Atrocity range and a two mana do nothing landmark is anything but aggressive.
Does the deck not also run Bloodletters? Most of the ones I've seen recently have. In my experience playing against it it doesn't seem like it needs a solid turn 2 play to secure the early game with the amount of cheap early removal it has access to.
They used run bloodletters at first but they dump it in favor of Forsaken Baccai for more consistency and better trades.