More free stuff from the Epic Games Store on this Thursday! This time, we have a steampunk FPS set in a fairly unique location and time period, and a side-scroller with turn-based combat and a gut-wrenching story. Let's get into it!


3 Hours 19 Mins 44 Secs


Cold War-era Berlin. The Wall has finally fallen. Things should get better from here. Except your work colleague is missing, and you are stuck in a parallel dimension with no other humans and a lot of robots that want you dead. INDUSTRIA is a FPS with a very unique setting that harkens back to the classics of the genre. Oh, and the sequel got announced about a month ago, so great timing on this one!

LISA: The Definitive Edition

Embark on a journey that will wreck your feelings like nothing else. LISA is a game with a simplistic artstyle and a deep story, blending side-scrolling adventure with turn-based combat. The Definitive Edition contains both the original LISA: The Painful game, as well as the LISA: The Joyful DLC.

What do you think of today's game? What other titles would you like to see Epic give away for free? Let us know in the comments below! See you next week with Orcs Must Die 3.