If you're a fan of Blizzard's physical collector's editions, you probably have also been buying the game digitally for a few expansions so that you can reap the rewards of access to their beta tests and those sweet digital rewards long before the expansion is launched. This time around though, things are a bit different.

It was already looking beautiful!

Blizzard has sneakily added a new section to the pre-order page on the Gear Store that indicates everyone who has put in a physical pre-order will be getting a code sent to their email on or before next Wednesday, June 12. This is fantastic news, though the question remains, what if you bought both the digital and physical editions? Luckily, Blizzard has thought of this in previous instances already and you'll be able to claim your The War Within physical code once you receive your package and it will grant you additional game time. Is it a perfect system? No, not entirely. But seeing as how WoW doesn't seem to be moving away from a pay to play subscription anytime soon, you're going to need it anyway to experience the expansion.

The War Within does not currently have a release date, though it should be launching sometime near the end of this year. The Beta test has just begun though so go and have fun on your journey into Azeroth.

Quote From Blizzard

Guaranteed Beta Access Coming! Customers who have already purchased the World of Warcraft: The War Within 20th Anniversary Collector's Edition will receive a digital code that provides Beta Access. This code will be sent by email on or before Wednesday, June 12, 2024.