We've got a new Path of Exile expansion, Settlers of Kalguur, launching next week and Grinding Gear Games has been busy teasing us with all the epic additions that will make life oh so much easier.

Let's take a look at everything that has been announced so far. Settlers of Kalguur releases on July 26, 2024 and introduces the Settlers league.

Auras and Heralds Persist Through Death

The first quality of life change that Grinding Gear Games announced, no longer needing to spend all that time putting your precious Auras back on, which was especially painful on aurabot builds, is a problem no more.

Thank you, so much.

Harvest Encounters Quicker to Start

If you find yourself announced at the multiple clicks required to start an encounter inside of the Harvest mechanic, this is changing in the 3.25 game update. Instead, a single click will get you into all the action.

Waypoints Easier to Activate

Speedrunning just got faster. Settles of Kalguur adds an epic-tier quality of life feature which means all you need to do is walk by the waypoint to unlock it.

Item Quality Changes

This is a fairly large change and goes beyond just simple quality of life. Rarity of items are no longe relevant when you apply a currency to a non-unique item. Instead, it is based on item level.

For example, lower level items when given a quality increased currency such as the Armorer's Scrap, will be given 20% Quality. As you get higher item level items, they will gain fewer points of Quality per currency, eventually going down to the usual 1% per. Technically speaking, Normal and Magic items gained 5% and 2% respectively prior to 3.25 per quality increase, but that doesn't matter much endgame.

Additionally, another change is quality is now multiplicative for armor and weapons. So on a weapon, giving it 20% Quality would increase its Physical damage by 20% or a piece of armor would see 20% increased local defenses. This is huge for melee builds. Previous to 3.25, the quality would simply be summed with other local #% increased stats.

For Chisels specifically, here's how they will work on maps:

  • White Maps gain 20% Quality per Chisel
  • Yellow Maps gain 10% Quality per Chisel
  • Red Maps+ gain 5% Quality per Chisel

Could we see an increase in market prices for chisels since they are going to be much higher in demand now?

Static Boss Health Bars

A addition to Path of Exile 2 has made its way back to the original game. Pinnacle and Act bosses will now have static life bars! This is a great addition for people bossing with offscreen kill builds or don't need to have their cursor over the boss the entire time, and you know, just makes sense for modern gaming.

Health bar microtransactions when?

Increased Pickup Range

"Exiles arms have gotten a little bit longer". Players on PC now have a pickup range that is closer to what is available on consoles for Path of Exile. 3.25 introduces a huge new radius, so we'll have to dance around a lot less when picking up explosions of loot.

New Blight Oil

Prismatic Oil is a new oil that annoints secret notables on your amulet. This oil will only drop inside of Blighted and Blight Ravaged maps, so you best get friendly with Cassia or your friendly neighbourhood trader.

Grinding Gear Games previewed a couple of new annointments that are coming in 3.25.

New Map Device Slot

A sixth map device slot is coming! The fifth and sixth slots are obtained as follows:

  • Clearing The Maven with a 10-way encounter
  • Completing a Tier 17 map

Bandit Quest Reward Nerf

The Act 2 bandit quest, also known as 2 free passive skill points, is being changed. Here are the rewards for helping one of the bandits:

  • Oak now grants +40 Maximum Life.
  • Alira now grants +15% to All Elemental Resistances.
  • Kraityn now grants +8% Increased Movement Speed.

Should you choose to still kill all of them, you will now receive a single passive skill point.

Simulacrum Changes

The Simulacrum is ramping up faster with the removal of the first 15 waves. Removing tedious and unrewarding content for higher level players is an excellent change.

Additionally, a change has been made to add more opportunities to get specific uniques, like Voices, by defeating bosses as you complete waves.

Divination Cards Now Appear on Atlas

Hover over any map on the atlas to see what Divination cards can drop. This is overall a minor quality of life change but a welcome one. No more need for the community to keep lists updated as the card drops change every league.

A wild Bex appears!

More Valdo's Puzzle Boxes

3.25 is making Valdo's Puzzle Box drops "far more common". Overall the rewards are being toned down a bit due to them being easier to get, but the total number of really rare items that are going to come out of them is going to be the same, so expect the same overall number of Magebloods.

Endgame Encounters

In the Settlers of Kalguur expansion, you can once again unleash Sacred Wisps from the Viridian Wildwood!

That's it for now! Tune in tomorrow, July 18 at 1 PM Pacific, to the official Path of Exile Twitch channel to learn more about the 3.25 update and the Settlers of Kalguur league.