Almost a week ago, we published an article informing people of the Stop Destroying Videogames petition. You can find more information in the linked article, but the TL;DR is that its purpose is to prevent publishers from leaving games in an unplayable state after they cut support for them. It needs 1,000,000 signatures, as well as 7 countries above a certain number of signatures.

Well, Finland is the first country to pass this threshold. Out of a necessary 9,870 signatures, it is now sitting at 10,003 or 101.35%, as of writing this article. Close behind it is Sweden at 91.41%, followed by the Netherlands and Denmark at 76.98% and 76.73% each, with Germany rounding the top 5 with 66.61% of necessary signatures.

The bottom 5 consists of Malta at 6.43%, Cyprus at a nice 6.69%, Luxembourg at 10.07%, Italy at 14.54%, and Greece at 16.29%. The highest number of signatures needed to pass the Threshold is Germany, with 67,680 (so the fact it's in the top 5 when it comes to completion is impressive), while Cyprus, Malta, and Luxembourg are tied for the lowest threshold at 4,230.

In terms of overall signatures gathered, the petition is currently sitting at 209,243, or about 20.93% of needed signatures. For a petition that was opened a week ago and still has almost a full year to go, this is a pretty good number. This doesn't mean we should rest on our laurels, though! Go sign this petition if you can, and ask family and friends to do the same.

Have you signed this petition? What do you think of the initiative? Let us know in the comments below!