Legends of Runeterra's content update for 5.8 arrives tomorrow, August 14, and brings with it Caitlyn's addition to the Path of Champions, new items, a new quest chain, changes to the standard card pool, and more.
Cards Moving to Standard Legal in 5.8
These cards, starting on August 14, will be legal to play in Standard decks.
- Neeko
- Ferocious Fluffs
- Deck Hunter
- Crested Lionhawk
- Glacial Saurian
- Obedient Drakehound
- Bonehide Tri-tail
- Skulking String-Puller
- Anura & Froop
- Tufted Webspinner
- The Poro Parade
- Call the Wild
- Handy Harness
Runeterra Patch 5.8 Notes
Quote From Riot Games Log in to play Patch 5.8, playable on August 14th at approximately 11:00AM PT.
New Champ
This sharpshooter has officially made her way to the Path of Champions equipped with a full constellation!
Star Powers
1* - Caught In My Trap
2* - On the Case
3* - Caught In My Trap II
4* - Officer Backup
5* - Manaflow
6* - Perfect Aim
Card Reference: Ace in the Hole
New Constellation
This brawler is coming to TPoC with refreshed powers and a constellation extension in 5.8.
Design Context: We thought Vi’s 1st and 3rd star powers were a bit bland, so we are now making them activate whenever you draw a card rather than on round start. This means they will activate at least once per round, like before, but you have the chance to make them happen multiple times in a round by drawing extra cards, which her deck does very well.
Star Powers
1* Relentless Force
2* - Piltover’s Finest
3* - Relentless Force II
4* - Crush
5* - Manaflow
6* - We Run These Streets
Vi Item Changes:
We’ve also updated some of Vi’s level up items to improve her gameplay:
Level 3:
Eager Apprentice: Philosopher Stone > Arcane Knowledge
Level 21:
Veteran Investigator: Shadow Totem > Coralcrush Gauntlets
Level 24:
Mystic Shot: Hero’s Horn + Hand Censor > Hero’s Horn + Charging Sigil II
Level 9:
Gotcha!: Hextech Fabricator I + Elixir of Skill > Hextech Fabricator I
Level 27:
Patrol Wardens: Savage Shield > Savage Shield + Mischievous Spirit
New Items / Relics
Hextech Rifle
Cease and Desist
Epic Relics in Golden Reliquaries:
Big Guns
Living Weapon
Frozen Tomb
*Hidden Tome
Loaded Dice
Stacked Deck
*Hidden Tome happens on “Play” and not on “Summon.” This is a text bug players will see in-game and in our patch notes, however the functionality is not bugged and is working as intended. This text change will be implemented in the next patch to ensure the text and functionality of the relic are matched. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion.
New Quest
There will be a new quest chain every week for the next 4 weeks. The first will be released on launch day!
New Bundles
Vi & Caitlyn Combo - Champ Bundle:
Four Star Bundle
Includes everything needed to upgrade both Vi AND Caitlyn to four stars, plus additional resources for enhancing P&Z Champions!
Caitlyn Champ Bundles:
Celebration Bundle
Five Star Bundle
Vi Champ Bundles:
Celebration Bundle
Five Star Bundle
Changed Powers
Changed Power
Old: “When you summon a champion”
New: “When you play a champion”
Changed Items / Relics
Changed Items / Relics
Jayce’s Hextech Battery now refills your mana after the cost to play a champion has been paid when you play a champion that is going to level immediately.
Changed Miscellaneous
Changed Emporium Offers
Yasuo’s Windblade is no longer available for purchase as of 8/14
Big Guns is now available
Starforged Gauntlets is now available
The following cards are now legal in Standard:
Ferocious Fluffs
Deck Hunter
Crested Lionhawk
Glacial Saurian
Obedient Drakehound
Bonehide Tri-tail
Skulking String-Puller
Anura & Froop
Tufted Webspinner
The Poro Parade
Call the Wild
Handy Harness
Fixed an issue where Targon and Bandle City champions with Yuumi’s Celestial Bounty unlocked gained +1 reroll instead of +5 Starting Nexus Health.
Fixed an issue where Wings of the Cryophoenix would not have the gold glowing indicator when the player is Enlightened.
Fixed an issue where Viego’s Harrowed Path power did not count aura buffs towards dying units’ total power.
Fixed an issue where Pyke’s Power Star ‘Phantom Haul’ didn’t correctly tag and highlight Round Start on the Constellation screen.
Fixed an issue where Swain’s Power Star ‘Crush the Weak’ did not grant extra damage on 5+ damage to the Nexus if Swain’s Raven Army relic was equipped in a run against a Deadly or Vicious Enemy.
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