If you were impacted by the lengthy downtime in North America's World of Warcraft region due to The War Within preparations, you're in luck! Blizzard has finished pushing out compensation and it is now redeemable via the Battle.net desktop app.

Simply login to Battle.net and click on the gifts button at the top right to get it. If yours isn't appearing, try to relaunch the application. Here's Blizzard's announcement post about the downtime.

Quote From Blizzard

We wanted to take a moment to recognize that the first day of the pre-expansion content update for The War Within resulted in extended downtime for many players in North American realms. In recognition of this, we're adding one day of extra game time to every subscription in North America, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand for accounts which were active as of July 23, 2024.

We anticipate providing this compensation to affected players on or before August 15, 2024. Players will be able to view their game time by visiting account.battle.net.

We appreciate your continued patience as we navigate through any lingering issues to ensure that player experience going forward into the launch of The War Within expansion goes smoothly starting with Early Access on August 22 and the global launch on August 26 at 3:00 p.m. PDT.