Notably absent from The War Within's Collector's Edition was a downloadable, high quality soundtrack. It looks like Blizzard has intentionally forgone this perk and instead opted to release the soundtrack to everyone through various music streaming services.

The soundtrack, which almost hits two hours of music for your listening pleasure, is available on YouTube, iTunesApple MusicSpotify, and Deezer. As usual, Blizzard has absolutely nailed the music for their expansion so go on and give it a listen today while you work!

Here is a track list:

  • 00:00:00:00 - The War Within by Leo Kaliski, Jake Lefkowitz, Adam Burgess, Neal Acree, Glenn Stafford, David Arkenstone, Jason Hayes
  • 00:16:19:13 - Echoes of the World Soul by Adam Burgess, Leo Kaliski
  • 00:21:46:04 - Heed Her Call by Adam Burgess
  • 00:26:07:12 - Harbinger of the Void by Leo Kaliski
  • 00:29:59:02 - To Face the Dark by Adam Burgess
  • 00:33:04:00 - Dornogal by Jake Lefkowitz
  • 00:39:54:07 - Stone's Throw by David Arkenstone
  • 00:45:37:04 - Unbound by Jake Lefkowitz, David Arkenstone
  • 00:50:45:10 - The Wilds by Adam Burgess, Leo Kaliski
  • 00:56:39:28 - Gundargaz by David Arkenstone
  • 00:59:24:19 - Earthenworks by Jake Lefkowitz
  • 01:06:00:20 - Nerub'ar by Neal Acree, Jake Lefkowitz
  • 01:09:44:22 - Taelloch by Leo Kaliski
  • 01:16:00:09 - Bloom in the Deeps by Adam Burgess, David Arkenstone
  • 01:21:50:29 - The Silken Path by Leo Kaliski
  • 01:26:52:11 - Legacy of Arathor by Glenn Stafford, Adam Burgess
  • 01:31:15:04 - The Darkening of Beledar by Jake Lefkowitz, Glenn Stafford, Adam Burgess
  • 01:36:57:01 - Sacred Flame by Leo Kaliski
  • 01:41:03:26 - Galleons of the Sky by David Arkenstone, Adam Burgess
  • 01:45:59:18 - Holders of Hope by Adam Burgess, Jake Lefkowitz
  • 01:49:53:11 - City of Threads by Jake Lefkowitz, Leo Kaliski
  • 01:55:17:10 - Long Live Ansurek by Neal Acree, Leo Kaliski