Blizzard has released a new patch today for Heroes of the Storm which is the third largeish balance update that has hit this year. Will Heroes see a resurgence in the Blizzard Microsoft era? We can only hope so! Check out the full patch notes down below.

Quote From Blizzard


  • Updated Homescreen and Startup Music.
  • Updated Shop Bundles and Items.

Balance Updates


  • Same Hero Mode
    • Same Hero mode now enables Health & Mana regeneration at base, reduced from 8% per second to 3.2% per second.
    • Same Hero mode now enables the Hearthstone ability without the burst heal after completion.
    • Reduced the chance of encountering Same Hero Mode from 2% to .5%.
    • Sgt. Hammer has been added to Same Hero mode.
    • The following Heroes have been removed from Same Hero Mode: Alarak, Artanis, Butcher, Cassia, Falstad, Genji, Greymane, Gul'dan, Hogger, Illidan, Imperius, Junkrat, Kael'thas, Kel'Thuzad, Kerrigan, Li-Ming, Lunara, Maiev, Mephisto, Orphea, Raynor, Thrall, Tracer, Tychus, Whitemane, Zarya, Zeratul, Zul'jin.




  • Basic Attack damage increased from 55 to 60.
  • Flame Stream [Q]
    • No longer able to deal additional damage to Structures.


  • Level 1
    • Adrenaline Stimpack
      • Passive attack speed bonus reduced from 25% to 20%.
  • Level 4
    • Incinerator Gauntlets
      • Bonus damage reduced from 50% to 40%.
  • Level 7
    • Nanomachine Coating
      • Attack Speed reduction reduced from 50% to 35%.
      • Duration increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds.
    • Suppressive Fire
      • Reduced Spell Power reduction from 25% to 20% and from 50% to 40%.
  • Level 10
    • Bunker Drop
      • Cooldown increased from 70 to 80.
      • Flamethrower damage reduced from 170 to 150.
      • Mana cost increased from 70 to 80.
  • Level 13
    • Collision Course
      • Damage reduced from 275 to 260.



  • Basic Attack damage increased from 122 to 125.


  • Level 1
    • Impale
      • Bonus Damage increased from 50% to 70%.
    • Thunderstroke
      • Bonus Damage increased from 15 to 20.
  • Level 20
    • Infinite Lightning
      • Cooldown reduction reduced from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.



  • Level 1
    • Eye of the Tiger
      • Bonus Damage increased from 40% to 50%.
      • Leech amount increased from 40% to 60%.
  • Level 4
    • Accumulating Flame
      • Bonus Damage increased from 20% to 30%.
  • Level 7
    • Gift of the Ox
      • Bonus duration increased from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds.
  • Level 13
    • A Touch of Honey
      • Slow bonus increased from 20% to 30%.
    • Ring of Fire
      • Damage increased from 55 to 60.
      • Duration increased from 5 seconds to 6 seconds.
  • Level 20
    • Untapped Potential
      • Bonus Armor duration increased from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.



  • Level 16
    • Giant Slayer
      • Damage reduced from 2% of maximum Health to 1.6% of maximum Health.



  • Level 4
    • Spite
      • Bonus duration reduced from 150% to 100%.
  • Level 16
    • Lightning Reaction
      • Damage reduced from 138 to 120.



  • Health increased from 1896 to 1946.
  • Health Regeneration increased from 3.9492 to 4.0546.
  • Frostwolf Resilience [Trait]
    • Healing increased from 223 to 240.
  • Chain Lightning [Q]
    • Bounce damage increased from 81 to 85.
    • Damage increased from 162 to 170.
  • Feral Spirit [W]
    • Cooldown reduced from 12 seconds to 10 seconds.


  • Level 13
    • Spirit Shield
      • Increased Spell Armor from 50 to 70.



  • Hatred [Trait]
    • Duration reduced from 6 seconds to 5 seconds.


  • Level 10
    • Strafe
      • Damage per bolt increased from 60 to 70.
      • Mana cost reduced from 80 to 60.
  • Level 16
    • Manticore
      • Reduced bonus damage from 5% of maximum Health to 4% of maximum Health.
    • Punishment
      • Reduced the Mana cost of Multishot by 20.

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Bug Fixes


  • Abathur
    • Level 20
      • Hivemind
        • Fixed an issue that caused Hivemind to grant more Shielding than intended when combined with Networked Carapace.
  • Alarak
    • Base
      • Sadism [Trait]
        • Fixed an issue that caused Sadism's bonus to not apply to Lightning Surge's healing when the primary target is not a Hero.
  • Butcher
    • Level 1
      • Invigoration
        • Fixed an issue that caused Invigoration to not activate if Hamstring killed its only Hero target.
  • Cassia
    • Level 13
      • War Matron
        • Added floating text for the amount of damage prevented by War Matron.
  • Cho'Gall
    • Level 1
      • Keep Moving!
        • Now also modifies Cho's run animation while Shove's movement speed bonus is active.
    • Level 20
      • The Will of Gall
        • Fixed an issue that caused The Will of Gall to not increase Gall's damage.
  • Chromie
    • Level 10
      • Temporal Loop
        • No longer ignores vision limitations when queued.
  • Diablo
    • Base
      • Fixed an issue that prevented Diablo's attacks from consuming charges of Dodge and Upstage.
      • Shadow Charge [Q]
        • Fixed an issue that caused Shadow Charge to attach the target to Diablo if another Diablo is affecting them with Overpower.
      • Overpower [E]
        • Fixed an issue that caused Overpower to activate Stukov's Superstrain twice.
  • E.T.C.
    • Level 1
      • Prog Rock
        • Fixed an issue that could prevent allies from being affected by Prog Rock's area heal.
  • Garrosh
    • Base
      • Into the Fray [1]
        • No longer displays the duration of its Unstoppable.
      • Bloodthirst [W]
        • No longer ignores vision limitations when queued.
    • Level 1
      • Body Check
        • No longer ignores vision limitations when queued.
  • Guldan
    • Base
      • Drain Life [W]
        • No longer ignores vision limitations when queued.
  • Imperius
    • Base
      • Celestial Charge [Q]
        • Fixed an issue that caused Celestial Charge to activate Stukov's Superstrain twice.
  • Junkrat
    • Level 10
      • RIP-Tire
        • Fixed an issue that caused RIP-Tire to not display correctly when cast.
  • Kel'Thuzad
    • Base
      • Death and Decay [Q]
        • Fixed an issue that caused Death and Decay's cast effect to be visible in Fog of War and animate while Kel'Thuzad is Stopped.
    • Level 10
      • Frost Blast
        • No longer ignores vision limitations when queued.
  • Kharazim
    • Level 4
      • Earth Ally
        • Updated Earth Ally to have the remaining Physical Armor duration match the remaining duration of Earth Ally.
    • Level 20
      • Peaceful Repose
        • Fixed an issue that caused Peaceful Repose to activate even when Divine Palm heals the target.
  • Li Li
    • Level 1
      • Free Drinks
        • Floating text updated to show as a crit.
  • Medivh
    • Base
      • Portal [E]
        • Fixed an issue that allowed Medivh to instantly mount after using a Portal to leave the Hall of Storms.
        • Fixed an issue that caused Medivh's Portal to not feature a channel bar or apply visual effects while being channeled.
        • Portal teleportation now happens instantly after completing the channel instead of briefly after completing the channel.
        • Using Medivh's Portal no longer clears the command queue.
    • Level 4
      • Raven Familiar
        • Damage is now dealt by the Portal user instead of Medivh.
  • Nazeebo
    • Level 10
      • Ravenous Spirit
        • Fixed an issue that caused Ravenous Spirit to be cancelled if another Nazeebo cancelled their Ravenous Spirit.
  • Probius
    • Level 16
      • Quantum Entanglement
        • Fixed an issue that caused Quantum Entanglement to not apply if the Warp Rift is detonated as soon as it activates.
  • Raynor
    • Base
      • Inspire [W]
        • Added a duration indicator to the Abilities button.
    • Level 10
      • Raynor's Raider
        • Fixed an issue that caused Raynor's Raider Banshee to receive healing when activating the Tunnel on Towers of Doom and the Sewer Waygate on Warhead Junction.
        • Fixed an issue that caused Raynor's Banshee to not be launched by Stitches Hook.
    • Level 20
      • Execute Orders
        • Fixed an issue that caused Execute Orders Yamato Cannon to fire at targets outside its radius.
  • Rehgar
    • Base
      • Lightning Shield [W]
        • Fixed an issue that caused Rehgar to not be healed by the damage dealt by Lightning Shield when he gains spell leech.
      • Ghost Wolf [Z]
        • Fixed an issue that caused Rehgar's Ghost Wolf Lunge visuals to be visible in Fog of War.
    • Level 4
      • Electric Charge
        • Fixed an issue that caused Electric Charge to increase the bearer's Self Healing score.
        • Updated to heal the bearer for its amount as a singular combined effect.
  • Rexxar
    • Fixed an issue that caused Misha to receive healing when activating the Tunnel on Towers of Doom and the Sewer Waygate on Warhead Junction.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented Rexxar's melee attacks from consuming charges of Dodge and Upstage.
  • Stukov
    • Level 16
      • Superstrain
        • Fixed an issue that caused Superstrain to not display FX when activating.
  • Tassadar
    • Level 7
      • Arc Discharge
        • Fixed an issue that caused Arc Discharge cooldown to not progress while resonance beam is fully charged.
        • Fixed an issue that caused Arc Discharge to trigger during cooldown.
        • Fixed an issue that caused Arc Discharge to not activate correctly.
  • Tracer
    • Level 4
      • Is That a Health Pack?!
        • Fixed an issue that caused Is That a Health Pack?! to increase Tracer's Healing Score when activating.
  • Tyrael
    • Level 13
      • Law and Order
        • Fixed an issue that caused Law and Order's damage bonus to not be applied.