The annual Epic Games giveaway continues today! Until the end of the year, the Epic Store is giving away one free game every day. Today's game takes you back to your childhood's toy car box with Hot Wheels Unleashed. This is a racing game in which you take control of the iconic tiny machines to zip and boost your way around your opponents. You have 24 hours to claim the game, so get to it!

EDIT: Buying from the Epic Game Store is resulting in a server error for most people. We will give you updates on when it's active again.

EDIT: The issue is fixed! You should be able to buy no problem now.

3 Hours 19 Mins 44 Secs

What do you think of today's game? What other titles do you hope the Epic Store will give away this holiday season? Let us know in the comments below! See you tomorrow for the next mystery game.