Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Chevrolet Movie Theatre

Last updated 3 years, 9 months ago
  • Archetype Aggro
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 24000
  • Your Cost 24000
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  • ThePink1's Avatar
    5 1 Posts Joined 02/23/2021
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago


    The face up grant an enemy vulnerable landmark is REALLY important. Chump blockers have to be aimed to work and if you cant aim chump blockers then stats matter a lot more. Desert Naturalist is a 7/8 overwhelm a non zero amount of time. This deck wants to set up on odds and attack on evens. Hitting predict is very important so the deck can go brrr. Lots of 2 ofs because of predict. Noxus seems like the best splash. Spell mana predict is something this deck probably wants so we can 6/6 gator on 5 with draw champ allegiance. Predict could allow you to splash harder. Noxus is probably the choice splash. There are options at the low middle and high end with Farron, Darius,  Ballista, Decimate, House Spider, Arachnoid Sentry.

    House spider MIGHT be sick as a chump attacker with vulnerable but there's already 16 2 drops.

    Xenotype Researcher is NUTS. 

    Baccai should probably be 2 of. 

    Farron might be wrong since it eats the +3/+3.

    Hourglass is probably a mistake.

    Aphelios on 3 is really middling into rock hopper, using pablo, value bump the 3/1 is fine but they're oom and renekton arrives just the same. 

    Caretaker gets nommed by renekton and there's a lot of counter attack tricks. 

    This deck wound up being mono shurima too b/c 39 card deck seems better than 40.

    From Cephalopod: 4 mana naturalist is nuts. We can always proc her with the disc. Keep an eye out for big plays on 2/3 to just crush em. 



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