Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Shurima Allegiance Beatdown

Last updated 3 years, 9 months ago
  • Archetype Midrange
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 25100
  • Your Cost 25100
Tinithor's Avatar Registered User 0

So this deck is all about banking our tempo in the early game with our landmarks and then having explosively strong midgame turns where we cash out on them.  We always want to attack. With lots of ways to challenge enemy units and cheap combat tricks to let us dictate the combat. I picked 3 champions cause I feel they all really benefit from a lot of the same cards here and also cause at the expansion start its fun to play with as many new champions as possible. 

Turn 1

Sun Disc every time, we get it for free as another draw after our Mulligan. This activates our shaped stone guaranteed always, it puts a landmark down for both Taliyah's level up and to later sacrifice to our Desert Naturalist 

Turn 2:

We have a few things we can do here, Ancient preparations to smooth out our draws.Rock hopper gets a roiling sands which is an activator for both Renekton and Taliyah. The roiling sands does let the opponent decide what they want to be vulnerable, but with Renekton we don't even care what it is. Hell if they made a 1/1 spider he still gets to challenge it then do 5 overwhelm face damage and take no damage while also putting a counter on Reputation for our inner sanctum.  Even just banking spell mana can potentially be a good choice here for the upcoming turns.

Turn 3: So if were attacking on evens this is the preparation turn.  Ideally we have inner sanctum and i'll elaborate on that next turn. If we don't though, we can drop a xenotype researchers just for a body on the board with the potential to high roll. Sivir and Renekton obviously benefit huge if this hits them and if we draw them next turn miraculously its insane and probably wins on the spot. Ruin Runner and Rampaging Baccai obviously are also nuts if they get hit with his buff. Everything else isn't crazy on its own, but getting anything higher attack helps Sivir level up and also those stats can suddenly become worth a lot more if Sivir levels and starts spreading key words to everything. Ancient Preparations can sometimes help you get the buffed units and Golden Ambassador can maybe draw them too. 

You can proactively Unraveled earth here to make the enemy's development awkward because anything they drop will be getting killed next attack pretty much, but even if they all just go on low value chump blockers, that still helps us work towards our level ups and keep their board manageable. 

Turn 4: Okay, this is the turn we've been building towards. All our plays here are amazing. On attack we'll be dropping Renekton and getting to challenge the vulnerable stuff. Sivir is a 5 attack quick attack with spell shield to stop enemies from removing or debuffing her. Even if they buff themselves we have ruthless predator or the insanely cheap Shaped stone boosting her attack to even higher levels. Anything they played so far that got vulnerable is going to die or we can even punish development with the 1 mana exhaust. 

That's not all though. remember that sanctum we wanted to put down last turn? Now we get to basically build our champs up even more. We can give our Renekton permanent challenger, or a  spell shield, our Sivir overwhelm or fearsome or challenger as well.  I feel like this is a lot like invoke where the flexibility is extremely valuable , and we can pick and play them at gem speed and immediately attack. Later in the game these sanctums will be free, letting us do plays like this for 0 mana burst speed open attacks which can really help end the game. 

If were on defense this turn is a bit less exciting, but we can now drop our Desert Naturalist to cash in on our free sun disc at the start, giving us a 2/4 and a 5/4 all at once. This can also be powerful on attack or with the Inner Sanctum too, even if we ultimate low roll and only get stat choices we'll be popping a 5/5 and a 5/4 on turn 4. That's pretty tough to beat on board.  If we don't want to develop our Renekton or Sivir on defence we could also golden ambassador for a powerful turn 5 buffed champion. 

Turn 5+

Ruin Runner is obviously just really powerful and hard to remove. You pretty much never feel bad about dropping this down. Rampaging Baccai might not be activated right away but even on like turn 7 or 8 when it does come online its really good so i decided to put 1 in as an out of combat form of removal. 

Once Taliyah flips she becomes a huge threat that has to be blocked but basically always kills her blocker. If they can't remove her she can easily help close out the game.  Her stats make her not look like a fighty sort of champ but her payoff is all about attacking which is what the rest of our deck is also all about. If you can grant her overwhelm or higher stats with our Lucky Finds that makes her even harder to deal with and she gets to hit face even if her ability kills her blocker when she gets overwhelm. 

This late in the game if we're struggling  Golden ambassador can come in clutch getting our champions out there.  If you draw a champ you already have on board, you can Ancient Hourglass your champion and then play the other one while its in stasis. Taliyah can also obviously duplicate our big units with hourglass too. 

Overall I think this deck will be really good at killing those pesky backline champs like Aphelios and TF and the like because we have so many ways to drag them into combat which is where we're king of the hill. We have super cheap combat tricks that add a lot of damage that will make it that much harder or maybe impossible for them to save themselves with guiding touch or vigor.  Our units are pretty big and hard to remove with spellshield and i think the Lucky Finds will end up being extremely valuable, just making your units different than what your current opponent is used to handling. Against PnZ extra health can put you just out of reach of their removal , against Tahm/Soraka you can suddenly have fearsome etc. 

Can't wait to see how all these new cards play out in a few days!

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