Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

TF/Kindred Go Hard

Last updated 3 years, 9 months ago
  • Archetype Control
  • Deck Type Theorycraft
  • Crafting Cost 25100
  • Your Cost 25100
Derpyologist's Avatar Registered User 1

Inspired by the Runeterraccg.com theorycraft.


This deck utilizes the powerful draw tools of SI and Bilgewater to utilize Go Hard to win the game. Until we can realize that plan, we utilize cards like TF and Kindred to control the board and sacrifice our cheap units for value.


Go Hard: I believe that Go Hard has lacked a good SI champion to pair with it till Kindred. Other SI champs cared about your own units dying, while Kindred can go either way. For that, they are very good with Go Hard.

Hapless Aristocrat: We use this solely to chump block, or utilize with Glimpse or Leech.

Pool Shark: This draws cards and can easily be sacrificed. Great value.

Cursed Keeper: This card is good with being sacrificed, which we need in this deck sometimes.

Dreadway Deckhand: Two bodies, good with Go Hard especially.

Fortune Croaker: This can slay our very weak units, and draws a card. Good value.

Glimpse Beyond: This triggers Kindred at fast speed, and draws cards. It's definitely a three-of.

Doombeast: This is a great card is most midrange SI lists, and we can use this to burn our opponents a little and gain life against aggro.

Pick a Card: Turbolevels TF and almost always draws Go Hard lategame.

Salvage: Burst speed draw is important to have in a TF deck, so this is here.

Spirit Leech: Unlike Glimpse, this is at Burst speed, so it always draws. The body is perfect too, trading up after already doing its job.

Twisted Fate: A staple in any Go Hard list, TF also benefits greatly from the turbodraw in this deck. The play effect is also very useful in many situations.

Kindred: Go Hard removes smaller units, allowing Kindred to mark and kill the bigger ones. Also, this card is awesome. Just saying.

Withering Wail: Sometimes we don't draw TF against aggro, so this is here.

Vengeance: This is in because the absolutely dumb highrolls it can achieve with Kindred. It's rarely playable otherwise, especially when you need to hold up Glimpse.

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