Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Shurima Noxus Aggro

Last updated 3 years, 9 months ago
  • Archetype Aggro
  • Deck Type Theorycraft
  • Crafting Cost 27900
  • Your Cost 27900
Derpyologist's Avatar Registered User 1


This deck seeks to use the aggressive qualities between Shurima and Noxus to burst the opponent down with dangerous early units.


Baccai Reaper: With only one slay, this is better than the spider. And it can grow beyond that to be scaling threat.

Dunekeeper: On turn 1, this is easily the most aggressive card in the game. It doesn't fall off lategame either, forcing two blocks.

Exhaust: This card is pre-nerf Hush levels of auto-include in any Shurima deck.

Legion Saboteur: I chose this over Spider and Rearguard due to its guaranteed damage.

Arena Battlecaster: This can buff so much, it's insane. The cards floor is low, though, so I'm only running 2 copies.

Black Rose Spy: This can activate pretty easily, and getting a second Sivir, Ruin Runner, or Farron is backbreaking. Feel free to curve it on 2 though if necessary.

House Spider: Two bodies for two mana.

Legion Grenadier: Painful to block, but even more painful to let go unchecked. Great aggro card.

Draven: The king of aggro, Draven has great aynergy here by being able to buff Sivir as well, making her hit up more.

Iron Ballista: Probably the first cut of a crazy aggro card get spoiled tomorrow. A vanilla overwhelmer is fine but not amazing,

Noxian Fervor: The way to "protect" our damage. Useful when one of your units is threatened by a lifestealer as well.

Sivir: Very aggressive four-drop that will win the game with a board upon level-up. Her spellshield is extremely valuable against enemy removal as well.

Ruin Runner: This card is so dumb. An aggressive overwhelmer with spellshield is very hard to remove and will score a lot of damage.

Captain Farron: Two Decimates and a massive overwhelmer tends to end games.

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