The Invincibles
Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago
- Archetype Midrange
- Deck Type Ranked
- Crafting Cost 27900
- Your Cost
This Deck is a reworked Version of my Garen Taric list leaning way more into the support direction.
While staples like Golden Aegis, Pale Cascade and Sharpsightare still used we now make use of the Frightened Ibex which is a quite overtuned unit with plenty applications for the archetype.
Soraka is here to tank enemy units' keep our units healty and progress Taric's level up/helps us to draw Taric
Taric however is the deck's main wincondition. The burst speed buffs + supports + Golden Aegis mix makes it really easy to level him and keep him alive and once he hits lvl 2 and you resolve Out Of The Way you then can start creating demigods (because Taric's buff becomes permanent this way) and run over the opponent with indestructible support units
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