A Sol Warmother's
Last updated 4 years, 3 months ago
- Archetype Combo
- Deck Type Ranked
- Crafting Cost 25000
- Your Cost
This deck's goal is to ramp to Warmother's and/or A Sol with some possible win conditions along the way.
Our tools to keep you alive early are icevale archer, troll chant, brittle steel, flash freeze, and kindly tavernkeeper.
Babbling Bjerg is used to get our Behold big boys (1/2 chance of getting Tryndamere or Aurelion Sol).
Troll Ravager is the same mana cost as Bjerg and a better card to play in the case that we already have a behold 8 mana card in our hand.
In the mid game we can use Fused Firebrand to Augur to give our spellshield fury dragon regen and overwhelm. Now Firebrand's fury health stat gets regenerated every round and the opponent will need to use a spell before they can properly remove it. He will also contribute to A Sol spell card if we have a sol on field late game.
Now the late game. If we have a chance to play Warmother's without being denied, the game is as good as over. If we pull two A Sols for example, we will get two Celestial cards every round. With this output of big units constantly being generated, it will make it very easy to level A Sol and to have a constant stream of 0 cost allies and spells.
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