Anti A-sol
Last updated 4 years, 3 months ago
- Archetype Combo
- Deck Type Theorycraft
- Crafting Cost 30300
- Your Cost
Aim of the deck is to just recall any big unit the new A-sol decks will pump out with lee-sin level up or will of ionia. Deny to also shut down celestial spells.
Gems and support units help level up leesin and taric and also keep certain units alive.
zenith overwelm is nuts on leesin and horns of dragon, especially if you synergize with taric's passive.
New support cards will make river shaper an extremely powerful card now, especially young witch, mentor of stones and tyari. the amount of spell draw will definitely help draw zenith blade, which is the main wincon of this deck.
Fae-guide (4 mana 3|3 grant an ally elsuive) can be an alternative to young witch as it also works for horns of dragon, but does not curve as well. Needs testing.
Minah swiftfoot would also be hilarious
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