I would dump 1 Dawn and Dust for a 3rd Sentry: your early curve is looking a little rough, and triple of your game-ending bomb is a pretty aggressive considering you have so many stall tools.
Also consider trading your Seers and/or 1 Deny for Rimefang Wolf--I know he doesn't synergize as well with your "buff and copy" game plan, but you have so many frostbites that Wolf has the potential to pop off or at worst 3 mana for a 3-attack challenger can still be pretty clutch.
I would dump 1 Dawn and Dust for a 3rd Sentry: your early curve is looking a little rough, and triple of your game-ending bomb is a pretty aggressive considering you have so many stall tools.
Also consider trading your Seers and/or 1 Deny for Rimefang Wolf--I know he doesn't synergize as well with your "buff and copy" game plan, but you have so many frostbites that Wolf has the potential to pop off or at worst 3 mana for a 3-attack challenger can still be pretty clutch.
Win condition is to use dawn and dusk on your champions or a buffed elusive unit.
Use spells to survive until late game.