Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Pirate Plunder (GP/Sej)

Last updated 4 years, 1 month ago
  • Archetype Midrange
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 26500
  • Your Cost 26500
sto650's Avatar Registered User 0

Basically, level up Sejuani and Gangplank, who have identical level up conditions, then wreck most things your opponent can throw at you. And if their stuff survives, you can clear it with Riptide Rex.

Obviously, things are much more complicated than that in real games, but that's the really basic summary of the goals of the deck. It's a midrange deck that has the ability to go aggro if it has to, or to hold out against aggro until the midrange beaters come down.

Turns 1-5 or 6 are mostly about trying to hit the enemy nexus as many different turns as possible, though if you're against aggro, those turns are about minimizing your nexus damage as much as possible. We don't have healing, so every point of damage to the nexus is relevant, and we have to consider if we can afford to take it. Also, while it is sometimes correct to just drop a Warning Shot on the opponent's attack turn, just for progress on the level up, it's never correct to do this if you have Riptide Rex in hand, and that Warning Shot is your only one.

Sometimes it's correct to drop Jagged Butcher on turn 1 without activation, but only if you're nearly certain you can hit nexus with him (either on turn 1, or on an open attack on turn 2). He's so much better on turn 2 or 3 as a 3/3 than he is on turn 1 as a 2/2.

Now, on to some discussion of specific cards and why they are included.

Level-up enablers:

Fully one-third of the deck is there to push progress on the level-up condition for our champs. Details about each card below.

Parrrley - potentially remove a unit and hit the nexus, though sometimes it is absolutely correct to just aim this at the nexus to progress the level up, especially if they have possible ways to save their 1-health unit. Side note: this card is insanely good when you are the defender against aggro on turn 1. They drop their 2/1 to get in the early damage; you kill it AND start your level-up progress immediately. Absolutely devastating.

Prowling Cutthroat - The only things that can stop this hitting their nexus on turn 1 are Parrrley or Blade's Edge. In other words, the only time this might not hit their nexus on turn 1 is in a mirror match, since nearly no one runs Blade's Edge in their decks.

Warning Shot - super obvious

Make it Rain - also pretty obvious (and also great removal against aggro)

Monkey Business - sometimes you play this without the activation, but you usually play it activated (if at all - it's the 1-of for a reason)

Monkey Idol - the most consistent way, by far, to get multiple ticks of progress on the level up for Sej and GP. One more note about the moneys, with regard to Sejuani - if you have a monkey and a leveled Sejuani (or if she will level up from the monkey's ping), make sure the monkey goes first in your attack. If Sejuani is already leveled, you can take a free "attack all," because your opponent's units will all get frostbite due to the monkey, before any other combat happens, making them unable to damage anything at all. The only ways the opponent can avoid this is Hush or Purify on the monkey or Hush on Sejuani.

Some comments about other cards:

Babbling Bjerg - including this guy will make you miss allegiance on Yordle Grifter more often than if you just ran Sejuani alone, but boy is he worth it. He is guaranteed to draw you either Sejuani or Gangplank or Riptide Rex. In other words, he might as well read, "Draw one of your win conditions."

Hired Gun gives you a degree of control over your opponent's units - and she has a great body for her cost.

The rest should be pretty clear. Enjoy!

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