Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Recursive Fiora (Lab Deck)

Last updated 3 years, 6 months ago
  • Archetype Midrange
  • Deck Type Just for Fun
  • Crafting Cost 13900
  • Your Cost 13900
OldManSanns's Avatar Registered User 0

I've seen a multiple Fiora EDH decks in-game but haven't really found any decklists that I liked on the net, so I decided to try building one myself.

Fiora is your big Round 3 play, so you're usually just going to stall on Rounds 1-2 to bank mana. A lot of the other decklists try to build board like a normal deck -- I think that's a mistake. Unlike the popular Fiora + Shen deck on ladder, I think this game mode wants to be all-in on the Fiora win condition -- that's why almost every unit in this deck synergies well with her. Play very conservatively and make sure your Fiora lives, because if she dies and her count resets it's extremely hard to catch back up before your opponent's lead is insurmountable.

Good luck!

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