Swain's Karatecourse
Last updated 4 years ago
- Archetype Combo
- Deck Type Ranked
- Crafting Cost 18800
- Your Cost
This deck is not a "new deck"(doesn't contain any of the new cards) in case you are up for that kind of decklist thats not for you.
This deck is an agressive combo deck featuring the Swole Squirrel/Swain kick ( with Dragon's Rage) combo where you let any of those 2 kick an enemy unit to cause great destruction (eighter to their nexus ->Swole Squirrel or their board + nexus -> leveled up Swain)
Fae Guide also gives you a way to connect to the nexus reallly reliable making this deck really deadly in the midgame
The deck however is hower not really new since it mainly runs noxus stables with non combat damage (but not noxian favourBADCARDNAME which lacks own units to sacrifize) it is pretty good and gets to beat a wide area of decks since counters for this strategy are almost only frostbite shenenigans which is niche enough
PS: anyone else who is annoyed by these video adds covering half the screen on mobile+ using mobile data for no good reason?
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