Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Go Hard Hexcore

Last updated 3 years, 5 months ago
  • Archetype Control
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 26100
  • Your Cost 26100
Simonaut's Avatar Registered User 1


Hexcore Foundry now gives Piltover & Zaun the most aggressive and effective card draw tool as long as I don't care about my opponent drawing as well. And if I'm playing a Go Hard deck, I probably don't. This deck is designed to maximize the cards drawn every turn through the Foundry, Insightful Investigator, and other card draw in order to play Pack Your Bags as quickly and as often as possible. I kept the mana curve very low so that I'm able to play cards as fast as I draw them.

Card by Card

Thermogenic Beam: One of the first cards on the watchlist to be removed. I have so much removal already that this might serve me better as a third Vengeance plus some utility.

Go Hard: Because it's a Go Hard deck. More seriously, this is easily the best card draw payoff in the game right now, and I have that in spades.

Zaunite Urchin: I'm taking this over Rummage because I wanted a way to put a body on the board early, for both blocking and to sacrifice to Glimpse Beyond.

Elise: Elise is one of if not the best 2 drop unit in the game for raw stats. She blocks pretty well and also gives me more small blockers and sacrifice fodder for Glimpse Beyond.

Glimpse Beyond: Draw two in a deck that wants nothing more than to draw cards. I bend over backwards a little to find the units to sacrifice to this, but I think it's worth it.

Mystic Shot: Can't just rely on Go Hard to keep up against Aggro, so this and the other 2 mana removal help clean up the board. My opponent will be drawing a lot of cads too, so it's particularly important that I'm not letting them run away with the game.

Unspeakable Horror: Small removal and card advantage, not much to say.

Veteran Investigator: Card draw and an on-curve unit? Even with the free card to the opponent, it's everything this deck wants.

Vile Feast: More small removal and, more importantly, a body both for blocking and for Glimpse Beyond.

Ezreal: He'll be your win condition almost as often as Pack Your Bags. I'm running a massive amount of small removal and drawing into them very quickly, and the result should be a leveled up Ezreal early in the game. He's also quite good pre-leveling to deal with small units.

Hexcore Foundry: The other lynchpin of the deck. This will fill up a hand VERY quickly at the cost of giving my opponent just as many cards. I'm counting on Pack Your Bags to make the difference, and the low curve of the deck to keep my hand from flooding. Aggro decks can make much better use of the extra card every turn, which is the main reason so much of my deck is dedicated to slowing them down.

Puffcap Peddler: He's in for two reasons: Because I had very few tools against control before adding him, and to test just how effective Puffcaps are with Hexcore Foundry. I'd expect him to be out in a later version of the deck, but maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Aftershock: Even with only one in the deck, the sheer amount of draw means if my opponent has a key Landmark then I have a tool to at least deal with the first one.

Insightful Investigator: With how many 2 mana cards I'm running naturally, this card seems fantastic for my game plan. Since my card costs are low it's rare that I'll be unable to play the Fleeting card, so I'm hoping she gives me as much card advantage as she seems to.

Vengeance: Obviously not every unit can be killed by Draining 1 over and over. Vengeance is in the deck to help deal with those.


Go Hard, Hexcore Foundry, and Vile Feast are the cards I would always be happy to see in an opening hand.

If I see a clear aggro deck, I'll also take any other 2 mana removal and either of my champions. I'd probably send back the Foundry so they don't overrun me in the early game.

Against a full control deck, I like to see any small unit. If I already have a unit, I'll keep Glimpse Beyond as well for when they inevitably remove them. If it's specifically another Go Hard deck, forget everything I just said; you want to be playing units as late as possible so they're not getting early copies in.

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