Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Trifarian Frostbite

Last updated 3 years, 7 months ago
  • Archetype Midrange
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 30200
  • Your Cost 30200
Pyronix's Avatar Registered User 0

Deck Focus:.............Control the board and finish with Ashe.

Deck style:................Midrange


Period:.......................Rising Tides >

Cause of death:.......Not yet


Recent Changes:

Order of changesRemovedAdded

Change 1

-3 Omen Hawk
-2 Elixir of Iron
-2 Sejuani

+2 Kindly Tavernkeeper
+3 Troll Chant
+2 Riven



Avarosan Trapper x3
Trifarian Gloryseeker x3
Avarosan Hearthguard x3
Ashe x3


Brittle Steel x2
Icevale Archer x2
Harsh Winds x2

Card draw:

Babbling Bjerg x2
Trifarian Assessor x3

Staples and techs:

Troll Chant x3 - Strong protection, either protecting one from 4 damage, or 2 from 2 damage each.
Culling Strike x3 - Kills many vital cards in the meta.
Reckoning x2 - Strong AoE that can kill many common boards.

Avarosan Sentry x3 - Early drop and draw.
Kindly Tavernkeeper x2 - Early drop and healing.
Captain Farron x1 - Can act as a finisher.
Riven x2 - Can reforge fragments that synergize with the deck's followers.
Sejuani x1 - Can nullify one target, while the leveled up version can end games.


Cards that can be added depending on flavor:

Omen Hawk - Early drop.
Elixir of Iron - Cheaper than Troll Chant for weaker utility.


Flash Freeze - for challenger units.
Avalanche - AoE

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