Enter Gold & Sharke Bank

Stroll on into the bank once your ready to get this party started.

Access The Upper Floor

Find the person who has access and throw them into the security panel if you can't find them you have to drill the gate.

Force the Security Gate Open

Stand in the hotspots to override the keypad. To disable interference you hate to hack a computer in the I.T Department on the second floor.

Breach the Vault Door

Once Bile drops the drill parts, grab them and bring it back to the vault and assemble it. The drill will run out of oxygen when that happens you'll have to find the oxygen canisters stashed inside lockers or a bathroom.

Loot the Vault

It's time to grab the money and the server. The server is in one of the gated rooms under the counter the money is stored on.


When you've got the server and enough cash secured you can leave.