Need help figuring out your Cycle units from your Siege units, and everything in-between? Then look no further! With this series of Warcraft Rumble guides, we'll provide an overview of the various minis that have the desired trait, as well any potential synergies such a trait may be looking to take advantage of.

In this guide, we'll be talking about the Fast trait.

What is Fast?

Minis with Fast can...move faster than others. I'm not sure how to simplify that further.

Synergies & Strategies with Fast

With the highest Movement Speed in the game, Fast minis can reach their targets sooner and cover ground quickly. Warcraft Rumble is played with a time limit, so this can be important: if you're down to the final seconds of playtime, you don't want to lose just because your other minis were slowly. crawling. to. the. boss. one. minor. step. at. a. time. Of course it has other applications as well. Race over to stop the enemy Kobold from mining gold. Reach an ongoing battle to help your units turn the tide. Attack a disabled Tower before it can recover. Dodge out of a harmful effect like a Blizzard spell. The point is that speed is almost a universally-positive feature to have for a character, so take advantage when you can get it.

One incredibly clever move is to place a Fast mini behind an ally: minis just kinda go in a straight line, so the Fast mini will "push" its buddy forward! Perfect for Tanks, who tend to be slow moving.

Minis with Fast

Here is an encompassing list of all minis which currently have the Fast trait, or can gain it via a Talent. The number in parentheses is their base Gold cost.

Alliance Minis with Fast

  • (5) Huntress

Beast Minis with Fast

  • (1) Raptors
  • (2) Angry Chickens
  • (2) Murloc Tidehunters
  • (3) Harpies
  • (3) Prowler
  • (4) Old Murk-Eye - Leader

Blackrock Minis with Fast

  • None at this time.

Horde Minis with Fast

  • (2) Goblin Sapper - requires the Rocket Powered Turbo Boots Talent
  • (4) Warsong Raider

Undead Minis with Fast

  • (4) Baron Rivendare - Leader

Need help with a different Trait? Check them out here:

(assortment of other Trait guides)