Pre-Release Tavern Brawl for The Great Dark Beyond on October 29th
2 months ago
Starting on October 29th, Blizzard is giving us a pre-release Tavern Brawl for The Great Dark Beyond, providing an opportunity to open your packs, try...
Hearthstone Announces Huge Progression Changes to Tavern Brawl, Weekly Quest Reverts, & Rewards Track
2 months ago
We've got a massive post this afternoon from Hearthstone's Game Director, Tyler Bielman, surrounding upcoming updates to the game's various systems of...
Blizzard Talks About the Design Process Behind Hearthstone's New Excavate Keyword
1 year, 1 month ago
Leo Robles, Game Designer on Hearthstone, wrote a thread on X to talk about the new Excavate keyword arriving in Showdown in the Badlands expansion...
GnomeSayin Reveals Some Extra Information About Titans And How They Work
1 year, 5 months ago
Today, Blizzard community manager GnomeSayin gave us some additional pieces of information on Titans in the set and how they work in conjunction with...
Putricide Returns to Battlegrounds - New Look, Hero Power, Build-an-Undead Minion
1 year, 11 months ago
Once upon a time, Professor Putricide brazenly resided within Hearthstone Battlegrounds - the little fact that probably only the most devoted fans are...
[Updated] Hearthstone's Winter Veil 2022 Holiday Event - Free Packs, Lore, and the Tinker Town Battlegrounds Hero Skins
1 year, 11 months ago
After the initial tease, full early announcement, and the brief in-game countdown, the expected Winter Veil Hearthstone event went online at the...
Souleater's Scythe, Demon Hunter's First Ever Legendary Weapon - Hearthstone Developer Insights on Card Mechanics, Decks, and Other Featured Notes
2 years ago
Once March of the Lich King fully launched on December 6th, all eager Demon Hunter players were finally able to get their hands on one of the most...
Sire Denathrius and Shockspitter Nerfed in a Surprise Hearthstone Patch 25.0.3 - Plus the Corresponding Achievement Fix, Patrons Shadow Banned & Unbanned
2 years ago
And so it came to pass, Sire Denathrius has just been murdered! This time for real. Only an expansion later - whether it actually proves to be enough...
A Second Farewell to Knights of the Frozen Throne - The Memories of Hearthstone Past, the Lich King Inspirations, and Its Impact on the Standard Meta
2 years ago
Two full expansions for the price of one? Who would've ever seen that coming a good while ago! Okay, so perhaps we kind of did. Hearthstone really...
Blizzard Shares More Insights on Neutral Cards' Design in March of the Lich King
2 years ago
Over the course of the reveal season for the upcoming March of the Lich King expansion, Hearthstone Game Designer Chadd "Celestalon" Nervig has kept...