March of the Lich King Heralds Hearthstone's Next Expansion - Death Knight Class, Minion Types, New Cards, and Mechanics Overview
2 years, 4 months ago
And so it happened, all expectations being met. Those who did not believe before have no choice but to take heed of March of the Lich King,...
Another Special Hearthstone Quest Chain for Castle Nathria Is Live - One Week, Two Card Packs
2 years, 5 months ago
Remember when shortly after Murder at Castle Nathria was released, a one-off thematic Special 'Legendary' Quest showed up in our in-game journals out...
Hearthstone Mercenaries Head to Darkmoon Faire in Patch 24.4 - 14 New Characters and 19 Bounties, Plus Charge Keyword
2 years, 5 months ago
Following a very busy day full of Hearthstone Mercenaries reveals, the expected 24.4 patch notes have found their way onto the official Blizzard blog...
Hearthstone's Latest Expansion, Voyage to the Sunken City, Is the New Journey to Un'Goro
3 years ago
Hearthstone's latest expansion, Voyage to the Sunken City, was just announced, and the reveal season is in full swing. There's a lot of stuff to be...
Charge vs Rush - The Battle Between the Haste-y Hearthstone Mechanics
5 years ago
Hello everybody. Today, we will be talking about the Charge and Rush mechanics as they're a fairly hot topic right now.
Historically, Charge has...