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Hot Take - Trundle Is Amazing But Not Why You Think

Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by

Often times in card games we are drawn to synergies like a moth to the flame. 

We think of the list that a  card wants to belong in and not where the card wants to be played.

This applies double to trundle.

Our instinct in to jam him into a ramp list with big cards, but why are we doing that.

This doesn't help him level.

Trundle Card Image

Trundle levels himself, he isn't a build around.

He starts at a 4/6 regenerate that's a hard stat line to deal with,

Back him up with fury of the north and elixir of iron and he ain't dying

Then just play your free pillar on 8 after you have kept him alive for 3 turns.

Or they kill him and you play another and get another free pillar.

Boom now he's a 5/7 with regenerate and overwhelm, and that's all he has to be.

If you want synergy add tyndamere as a 3 of and that's it.

Legends of Runeterra: Freljord Region Guide - Mobalytics

Then run just run good cards, starlit seer, omen hawk, and curve out normally.

Easy wins.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Often times in card games we are drawn to synergies like a moth to the flame. 

    We think of the list that a  card wants to belong in and not where the card wants to be played.

    This applies double to trundle.

    Our instinct in to jam him into a ramp list with big cards, but why are we doing that.

    This doesn't help him level.

    Trundle Card Image

    Trundle levels himself, he isn't a build around.

    He starts at a 4/6 regenerate that's a hard stat line to deal with,

    Back him up with fury of the north and elixir of iron and he ain't dying

    Then just play your free pillar on 8 after you have kept him alive for 3 turns.

    Or they kill him and you play another and get another free pillar.

    Boom now he's a 5/7 with regenerate and overwhelm, and that's all he has to be.

    If you want synergy add tyndamere as a 3 of and that's it.

    Legends of Runeterra: Freljord Region Guide - Mobalytics

    Then run just run good cards, starlit seer, omen hawk, and curve out normally.

    Easy wins.

  • OldManSanns's Avatar
    Azir 1040 924 Posts Joined 08/05/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Perhaps.  Your logic does remind me a bit of Sejuani, where when Rising Tides first launched people were trying (unsuccessfully) to jam her into decks like Teemo puffcaps and Swain crimson and she was widely regarded as the worst new champion; then they started just jamming her as a 6 mana tempo play with no particular support and now she's everywhere.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    The reality is that right now in Legends there is not a single list that is top tier that doesn't curve out.

    Ash Sejunai runs hawk, brittle steel, archer, elixir, glory seeker.

    Ezreal runs butcher, urchin, pool shark, merchant.

    Endure runs an absolute crap ton of cheap early drops.

    So unless this expansion totally flips how Legends of Runterra is played, Trundel will need to exist in a list with a decent number of 1, 2, 3 mana plays.

    Like the largest number of 8 drops a list would ever be able to support is like 5 tops.

    So instead it's better to tutor for the 8 drops already in your deck, entreat would fetch tyndamere

    and extra Trundels probably turns into an 8 mana spell too

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