LoR is a fantastic game...
Submitted 4 years, 8 months ago by
but man is it heavy on the pay to win aspect.
The game is not that old and I am already seeing massive amounts of Net Decks in Ranked mode.
Guess there is no way to stop this part. Other than that, so far one of the card games out there.
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but man is it heavy on the pay to win aspect.
The game is not that old and I am already seeing massive amounts of Net Decks in Ranked mode.
Guess there is no way to stop this part. Other than that, so far one of the card games out there.
Are you joking?
I seriously don't understand the deal with all these new posters coming here just to complain. Is this the same person making new accounts every day or something?
Either way, go look up the definition of "pay to win" and "net decking" and compare those two before coming up with such a half-assed complaint. Thanks.
Yes, 'net decking = P2W' part is the most confusing, lol.
Heck, LoR is the most affordable big CCG on the market. I'm playing it casually and have half the collection; if I would spend all of my resources it would go to 100%. LoR's economy is the last thing we can argue about, rn. We can talk more about the gameplay. Personally, I see balance occasionally being all over the place because of some design decisions and because of some fundamental design issues. The selling point was fixing retarded things from HS, but they ended up repeating them (like superfluous nexus dmg, stealing cards, destroying opponent's decks, randomness...).
Other than that, LoR is a fine card game, belonging to the top 3: LoR, HS, MtG:A.
I'm looking forward to new modes. I enjoy Expeditions more than Standard.
And regarding net decks... What is there beside net decks? No, it' not creativity. Just an illusion. Just garbage losing decks. Pick a deck smart people constructed for you and go enjoy the game, man.
LOL I guess this is WraithOfAI's first digital card game. The other digital card games are far worse when it comes to pay to win. My only complaints on this game is when they go back and digitally edit their cards every 2-4 weeks base on people getting their feelings hurt... I mean community feedback.
So when a new player creates a deck and 2 weeks after they dump all their resources to create that deck, there deck becomes weaker. I do not like this method of keeping the meta fresh. I would much prefer a meta staying stable for 6-8 weeks, then have a meta shift with the introduction of new cards. The only time I would say a hard edit of a digital nerf should occur is when a card is clearly out of control and is 50% or more of the rank ladder. aka "Zed Stands Alone Deck" That to me was the only time a nerf to a card should of happened and thank the devs it did happen.
I find it funny the most hated deck in LoR Set 1 was Kinkou Elusives. When Set 2 came out, Kinkou Elusives disappeared. Then the rise of Burn Decks took over tier 1 spots. People complained and burned got nerfed. Guess what Kinkou Elusives are back! At least this is a better balanced meta. I do like that we have 5-6 tier 1 decks in ranked now. This is such a well balanced meta and yet people still manage to stroll in here and complain about something in this game.
If you don't want to pay to win, then put in the time to collect everything. This game is very generous on the resources it gives you and you can complete a collection in solid 12 weeks of putting maybe 8 hour a week to get everything. Have some patience before you start rank.
Start by building:
Burn Aggro
Kinkou Elusives
All three of these decks are super cheap and very effective in rank. Until you have all three stay out of rank. Hopefully these decks are still good at the end of July, but who knows.
About the balance changes, I think Riot nerfs cards less to make the game feel fresh, and more to promote deck diversity. Without nerfs, we wouldn't have the fun and varied metas that we have a lot of the time. Also, since new cards are coming every two months now, Riot has said that they'll probably do less frequent balance patches in the future, so you got your wish :). I hope they'll still do consistent buffs though, I've really loved how cards like Avarosan Trapper, Crimson Curator, and Kindly Tavernkeeper have gone from practically nonexistent to viable cards in certain decks.
Netdecking is not the same as pay to win. I think its a simple misunderstanding. Aside from that I think a lot of players ought to get it in their heads that when you're in a competitive game, yes there will always be an outsized majority who play because they actually want to win, as in beating the other player. And if that means they play decks that have a higher win rate, then so be it.
Learn matchups and be the better player. If you need to vent, just go to the salt threads, or take a nice long walk, or play something else. Then come back and have another go.
I think it’s interesting because in my opinion, Pay to Win gets you nothing in this game. I haven’t payed a scent, and I have almost a complete collection. If you just play the game consistently, then you unlock all the resources you need, at a really reasonable spee
It is rare that I say this about any game but LoR is one of the few games that I'd say I appreciate the signs of money spending in since it is purely cosmetics and you are supporting the game by having them. Other than that though there are no ways to spend money in LoR that has any real impact on game play.
There are you speed up your collection.. instead of "grinding" I put grinding on quotes cause you can get a full collection just by completing all quests every week in just a few months
Yeah, all it really does is give you the cards you want faster. If you wait for it, you get them without spending anything
Yeah, I know you can buy cards, but when I said 'any real impact on game play' I was referring to the fact that you can achieve the same level of game play as someone who paid for cards in a very short time compared to most games.
This game certainly isn’t pay to win. It’s so incredibly generous to anything I have played. Especially digital card games
Whether it's pay to win or not, all that ever happens to me is getting run over by snowballing decks. I have failed to find that great in any way so far, lol
Honestly, just craft rising tides stuff, and now you're good forever.
Targon might seem strong as a snowball archtype but it is absolutely powerless against high tempo plays.
Not aggro mind you they can heal past aggro just fine or chump block, I'm talking Tempo.
Like warning shot for 0 into double monkey, into idol for more monkeys, into petty officer into a fully leveled champ
There is no counter play for Targon even if they kill the idol with removal they splashed from other regions
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