Have you been struggling to find the best decks for your K/DA cards? Maybe you want to give some of the less popular cards a go. Fear not! In this article, we’ve made sure every K/DA card has a home.

Feel The Rush Card Image Out Of The Way Card Image Go Hard Card Image

Go Get It Card Image Give It All Card Image

The K/DA event came to Runeterra in October last year, and the cards have certainly been a blast to play with. Feel The Rush and Go Hard have been very popular on the ladder, with the latter even receiving a nerf in the latest balance patch. In contrast, Go Get It, Give It All and Out Of The Way have been largely underused since their inception. We’ve picked a couple of decks for each of the 5 K/DA cards for you to test out on ranked!

Feel The Rush

One of the two most popular K/DA cards, Feel The Rush offers a huge late-game win condition. It has a more immediate impact and is much less random than its Freljord counterpart Warmother's Call, meaning it has seen a lot of play since its release. 

As a 12 mana Freljord card, Feel The Rush best fits in ramp decks with Trundle and Tryndamere as the chosen champions. Shadow Isles provides access to Atrocity for a faster way to win.

Another alternative is pairing Trundle with Aurelion Sol for a slower but more emphatic win condition. 

Give It All

Perhaps the most underused K/DA card, Give It All gives aggro decks a unique win condition. It does require a wide board and one unit having high stats, but it can completely blow out opponents that don't expect it, and can even enable Poro decks! As a PnZ card, you will have access to a variety of keywords, such as Daring Poro, which could give all your units elusive, Patched Porobot for another random keyword and Vi, which could raise all your units to a 10/4 statline for a big finish. Poro decks seem an easy fit, but we’ve picked a couple others to try out too!

Give it All Poros
A Runeterra Deck created by . Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago

Viktor has been an underwhelming champion since Cosmic Creations was released, but it has a home in this Zoe Viktor aggro deck. The Invoke cards, namely Zoe and Spacey Sketcher, have synergy with the augment cards and generate lots of keywords for a high impact Give It All.

Another popular deck on the ladder right now is Twisted Fate Fizz, which plays lots of cheap elusives and draws a ton of cards too. Mind Meld is sometimes played as a one of in that deck, although we’ve chosen Give It All instead.

Go Get It

Go Get It offers a unique way of keeping threats alive outside of Deny and Bastion, all with a much higher ceiling. It counters an opponent threatening to destroy one of your big units and lets you play the card again for free - useful for cards with good summon effects. The Rekindler is the best example of this; you can revive two additional champions with Go Get It, allowing you to take control of the game. Here we have a modern take on Mogwai’s Spooky Karma! We’ve also added Go Hard because of its synergy with a leveled-up Karma, but we’ll get to that card a bit later.

Spooky Karma
A Runeterra Deck created by . Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago

Another popular meta choice right now is Zoe Lee Sin. This deck aims to level up Zoe fast or combo with Lee Sin and lots of cheap spells. Finding the right number of Bastion’s and Deny’s to run in this deck is always a struggle, so we’ve made it even harder by adding Go Get It into the mix! Even so, this offers a better counter to your Lee Sin being answered, allowing you to play a 0 mana Lee Sin from hand if your ephemeral copy gets removed.

Out Of The Way

Another card that has been largely underused since its inception, Out Of The Way is a very unique build-around card. Making all your buffs permanent is very strong, but requires a lot of thought in your deckbuilding. Some of the best cards in this deck have ‘this round’ on their card text, such as Vanguard Sergeant, the Solari cards and of course, Taric. The latter has the potential to make two of your units permanently unable to take damage or die, similar to casting 2 Unyielding Spirits!

Riven also has synergy with Out Of The Way; the blade fragments can give permanent buffs in Quick Attack and Overwhelm to your units. This deck also has Arrel the Tracker which has synergy with both Gems and the Reforge keyword alike!

Go Hard

Go Hard, every player’s worst nightmare, is still a force to be reckoned with even after its nerf. Unsurprisingly, the best deck for Go Hard is the popular Twisted Fate Elise list that was all over ranked last month. The deck has lost its low mana blowout potential, but the ridiculous amount of draw this deck has means it has not quite disappeared. We’d thought we’d leave this until last so you didn’t have to stare at this deck for too long. Check out the Spooky Karma above for a unique Go Hard list.

Go Hard TF
A Runeterra Deck created by . Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago

What has been your favourite K/DA card to play with? And what decks have you created using this card? Let us know in the comments below!