Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Riot Is Outdoing Itself Lately

Submitted 3 years, 2 months ago by

I had said previously that rise of the underworld was absolutely a top notch expansion for brewers but I have to say that these card releases during this event might be just as good if not better 

----lets run through a few of the standouts---


Akshan is a very flexible card, he can be aggressive and combo oriented, he can be a card advantage tool for control decks, and he's just great landmark support.

Shadow dude is a bit meh by comparison, I like the idea of mind control being better implemented into the game (follower stealing) but I don't like that he's also a better Nasus at the same time. (A little too easy mode) but not op because of how slow he is.


We were just talking about how there's no good removal in shadow isles, and we just got two really strong pieces. It turns out spending 4 mana for slow speed champion removal is actually kiiiinda good, it also adds value to all your healing 

Similarly 5 mana drain two from two units is kind of a high value static shock I love it.


Shurima gets a 5 mana 5/5 finally and getting free treasures is pretty strong if you have the support to keep it alive

6 mana for a better cat submarine in Ionia is beyond strong. Because you can choose slow, fast, or burst you can actually reliably tutor out answers...like I dont know 4 mana champion removal.

I like Ibex a lot for more support pieces poor lulu needs some love.

Getting free attacks in noxious is pretty interesting, having a way to turbo level MF in a pirate aggro shell ads nuanced possibilities to a hunga bunga deck

Ice wolf mother is probably my low key favorite, even without running "a lot" of frostbite I found the wolf cub getting to like a 12/12 in Long games and it offers a finisher for frostbite decks that makes more sense thematically

Fury dude is the last one to mention, it's a little akward because if you get a really big Shivana you need to give her overwhelm to win, so that's absolver or sunlight blade, and I'm not an all in on one card kind of player.

Overall just a really solid event that pairs well with both the new champions/cards we got last go around plus the large number of balance changes.

I'm willing to admit that this outstanding work by Riot and honestly if they want to adopt the it ain't broke dont fix it mentality for the rest of the summer they've earned it honestly.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I had said previously that rise of the underworld was absolutely a top notch expansion for brewers but I have to say that these card releases during this event might be just as good if not better 

    ----lets run through a few of the standouts---


    Akshan is a very flexible card, he can be aggressive and combo oriented, he can be a card advantage tool for control decks, and he's just great landmark support.

    Shadow dude is a bit meh by comparison, I like the idea of mind control being better implemented into the game (follower stealing) but I don't like that he's also a better Nasus at the same time. (A little too easy mode) but not op because of how slow he is.


    We were just talking about how there's no good removal in shadow isles, and we just got two really strong pieces. It turns out spending 4 mana for slow speed champion removal is actually kiiiinda good, it also adds value to all your healing 

    Similarly 5 mana drain two from two units is kind of a high value static shock I love it.


    Shurima gets a 5 mana 5/5 finally and getting free treasures is pretty strong if you have the support to keep it alive

    6 mana for a better cat submarine in Ionia is beyond strong. Because you can choose slow, fast, or burst you can actually reliably tutor out answers...like I dont know 4 mana champion removal.

    I like Ibex a lot for more support pieces poor lulu needs some love.

    Getting free attacks in noxious is pretty interesting, having a way to turbo level MF in a pirate aggro shell ads nuanced possibilities to a hunga bunga deck

    Ice wolf mother is probably my low key favorite, even without running "a lot" of frostbite I found the wolf cub getting to like a 12/12 in Long games and it offers a finisher for frostbite decks that makes more sense thematically

    Fury dude is the last one to mention, it's a little akward because if you get a really big Shivana you need to give her overwhelm to win, so that's absolver or sunlight blade, and I'm not an all in on one card kind of player.

    Overall just a really solid event that pairs well with both the new champions/cards we got last go around plus the large number of balance changes.

    I'm willing to admit that this outstanding work by Riot and honestly if they want to adopt the it ain't broke dont fix it mentality for the rest of the summer they've earned it honestly.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Quote From Nifty129
    Akshan is a very flexible card, he can be aggressive and combo oriented, he can be a card advantage tool for control decks, and he's just great landmark support.

    Indeed Akhsan is most the fun champion they have released in long time, Akhsan/Riven and Akhsan/Lee Sin are my two favorite decks from this mini expansion so far.

    Quote From Nifty129

    We were just talking about how there's no good removal in shadow isles, and we just got two really strong pieces. It turns out spending 4 mana for slow speed champion removal is actually kiiiinda good, it also adds value to all your healing 

    Similarly 5 mana drain two from two units is kind of a high value static shock I love it.

    No good removal in Shadow Isles? That like one the top region when it comes to removal: Vile Feast, Black Spear, Withering Wail, Vengeance, The Ruination.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    With the exception of black spear most of the cards you listed have been outstripped by burst speed combat tricks.

    Like what's better drain 1 for 2 mana, or give somethings, 3/1 for 1 mana?

    Now kill a champ for 4 that's pretty okay as these things go, puts in on par with will of Ionia and might be a little better.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Quote From Nifty129
    With the exception of black spear most of the cards you listed have been outstripped by burst speed combat tricks.

    All removal get countered by burst speed spells that doesn't make the removal bad. 

    Quote From Nifty129
    Like what's better drain 1 for 2 mana, or give somethings, 3/1 for 1 mana?

    That going to depend on the situation. If your going against aggro decks killing a 1 health unit and getting a chump blocker is way more useful than buffing a unit. Tresh/Nasus was a tier one deck and ran 3 vile feast for a reason.


  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    That deck just wants blockers and doesn't really care about hard removal

    It's just stalling till atrocity

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From Nifty129

    That deck just wants blockers and doesn't really care about hard removal

    It's just stalling till atrocity

    Tresh/Nasus doesn't want blocker it want to kill as many units as possible either with trades or removal like vile feast and black spear otherwise your Tresh won't level up and you Nasus is going to have pitiful stats. It's also not a stall deck, you want to push as much damage as possible in the early and mid game, in order to put your opponent withing atrocity range, because realistically your Nasus isn't going to have 20 power, most of the time your Nasus is going to be around 12 power.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Uhuh then why is it that when I play dragons against every Nasus or Shadow guy deck the opponent just sits there wide eyed as I level Asol?

    They are so used to passive play, mindless card advantage, and empty passing that they can't believe other decks actually have active play strategies

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Quote From Author
    Uhuh then why is it that when I play dragons against every Nasus or Shadow guy deck the opponent just sits there wide eyed as I level Asol?

    Because they just netdeck meta decks without learning how to use them properly. Anyway my point is that Tresh/Nasus use vile feast as removal against aggro and not for stalling.

  • BingoNoEyes's Avatar
    185 82 Posts Joined 05/07/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
    Shadow dude is a bit meh by comparison, I like the idea of mind control being better implemented into the game (follower stealing) but I don't like that he's also a better Nasus at the same time. (A little too easy mode) but not op because of how slow he is.

    One thing I like about Virgo is that while he doesn’t fit with a lot of champions, he is unique in that 90% of the Shadow Isle champions work well with him. I find it interesting

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Viego is definately good, it just bugs me how much better then kindred he is.

    I might try running both in a control list to see how that goes.

    But honestly, decks are running so little removal in favor of burst speed interaction that any deck that can effectively race and curve out is very strong right now.

    I went 5-0 in Plat with a Lulu meme deck.

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