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The Worst Champions (Burst Meta)

Submitted 3 years, 2 months ago by

So just gonna go through what I feel are the worst champions during the burst meta and you'll notice a trend pretty quickly where if they need to interact with other cards during combat to get value they tend to be pretty bad.


Champs that suck:


1. Vlad, my poor boy I love him greatly but man does he suck right now, and not in the way he's supposed to. Honestly they would need to bolster her drain to 2 per unit to make the endgame wincon of his deck easier.

2. Garen, being a vanilla 5/5 for 5 just isn't enough anymore while his level up is still powerful, leveling outside of concerted strike is near impossible. He probably needs tuff

3. Fiora, not seeing a lot of this lady around lately, because she's kind of a lot worse then the quick attack sticks being used for burst spells right now.

4. Braum, surviving strikes is just harder then it's ever been right now, honestly even just giving him 1 attack would help with trades

5. Victor, really slow and clunky to get rolling, and if your opponent somehow doesn't have a frostbite, a stun, a bounce, or silence on swing its a miracle.

6. Heimer, spawning a bunch of tokens really doesn't do what it used to anymore. Most decks can flood the board and require a lot less setup to pull off.

7. Kindred, he needs to kill strongest and he needs to be a 5/5 not much else to say

8. Yassao, so in the burst meta it's never been easier to make something survive 2 dmg and the good stun card (palm) is just run without him

9. Anivia, once again gains value on swing and thats increasingly hard to guarantee

10. Malphite, honestly the prince of Persia is soooo string that he almost makes Malphite pointless in his own deck. He also should work well with yassao but is too expensive at 7 mana. I'd say just hit his stats hard and drop him to 6 mana he won't be op


Champs that are better then people think:


1. Aphelios, apehlios tri beam is solid if you get the build right, also the fact that you can crescendo into the 2 mana dork and essentially make that spell cost 1 as you go for calibrum is solid

2. Jarven, total Chad probably my favorite champ in the game, can easily be run outside of Shen in fact shen doesn't really so much for him per say.

3. Ash, is a champ that gains value from burst speed interaction, and in the burst meta she's probably never been better.

4. Dragon girl, really good at surviving combat compared to every other demacia champ, while it's true she "gains value" on strike, you can force interaction post attack easily enough.

5. Kalista, fearsome aggro if built properly isn't bad and is better then people think at punishing burst meta decks.

6. Zillian/clock boy, don't run the mobalitics list it sucks. I have built a lot of brews that I feel are vastly superior to the 40% winrate mobalytics list, simple by understanding that these Champs need support/alt wincons

7. Thaliyah, plays really well in the burst meta where you can give her overwhelm, and have acess to hush to stop your opponent from making similar plays.

8. Lux, rated the worst champion in the game by Swim, she's not that bad, based entirely on her own merits she is but thankfully her dedicated supports cards are very strong. Like free detains are same as vengeance in this meta.

9. Vi, it used to be that it made no sense to have a 10 attack challenger because there were no high value trades to make her worth while. But thanks to all these she who wonders Champs running around vi has probably never had better targets 

10. Swain, honestly just a really flexible champ that's always gonna have a home, and always be a threat.

11. Temo/fizz/star girl cheap elusive have never been better when decks are increasingly cutting pings like vile feast. You can use them for value, or for cheap burst sticks.

12. Lulu & Shen these support Champs are probably underrated right now, while I would say that Taric is the worst of the bunch he's still very playable too.


Champs that are average


Tf feels pretty meh right now, I was just saying that 1 mana pings, and a 2 mana stun has never been worse then in this meta but amazingly just on the merit of blue card and tf chaining he can still be alright


Lisandra, none of her decks are scary right now, she looses to aggro and to combo but thats 90% of the meta right now. In a control mirror, or midrange meta she still gets to do her thing


Sejuani, is kind of being cut from all her decks, the good news is her champ spell is quite strong, she still acts as removal, and sometimes can really mess up the opponents play patterns


Champs that require 0.1% of your brain


All cheap quick attackers right now are insanely powerful. Just look at the massive deck presence of zed, sivir, prince boy, Draven, and even jinx still puts up good numbers.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    So just gonna go through what I feel are the worst champions during the burst meta and you'll notice a trend pretty quickly where if they need to interact with other cards during combat to get value they tend to be pretty bad.


    Champs that suck:


    1. Vlad, my poor boy I love him greatly but man does he suck right now, and not in the way he's supposed to. Honestly they would need to bolster her drain to 2 per unit to make the endgame wincon of his deck easier.

    2. Garen, being a vanilla 5/5 for 5 just isn't enough anymore while his level up is still powerful, leveling outside of concerted strike is near impossible. He probably needs tuff

    3. Fiora, not seeing a lot of this lady around lately, because she's kind of a lot worse then the quick attack sticks being used for burst spells right now.

    4. Braum, surviving strikes is just harder then it's ever been right now, honestly even just giving him 1 attack would help with trades

    5. Victor, really slow and clunky to get rolling, and if your opponent somehow doesn't have a frostbite, a stun, a bounce, or silence on swing its a miracle.

    6. Heimer, spawning a bunch of tokens really doesn't do what it used to anymore. Most decks can flood the board and require a lot less setup to pull off.

    7. Kindred, he needs to kill strongest and he needs to be a 5/5 not much else to say

    8. Yassao, so in the burst meta it's never been easier to make something survive 2 dmg and the good stun card (palm) is just run without him

    9. Anivia, once again gains value on swing and thats increasingly hard to guarantee

    10. Malphite, honestly the prince of Persia is soooo string that he almost makes Malphite pointless in his own deck. He also should work well with yassao but is too expensive at 7 mana. I'd say just hit his stats hard and drop him to 6 mana he won't be op


    Champs that are better then people think:


    1. Aphelios, apehlios tri beam is solid if you get the build right, also the fact that you can crescendo into the 2 mana dork and essentially make that spell cost 1 as you go for calibrum is solid

    2. Jarven, total Chad probably my favorite champ in the game, can easily be run outside of Shen in fact shen doesn't really so much for him per say.

    3. Ash, is a champ that gains value from burst speed interaction, and in the burst meta she's probably never been better.

    4. Dragon girl, really good at surviving combat compared to every other demacia champ, while it's true she "gains value" on strike, you can force interaction post attack easily enough.

    5. Kalista, fearsome aggro if built properly isn't bad and is better then people think at punishing burst meta decks.

    6. Zillian/clock boy, don't run the mobalitics list it sucks. I have built a lot of brews that I feel are vastly superior to the 40% winrate mobalytics list, simple by understanding that these Champs need support/alt wincons

    7. Thaliyah, plays really well in the burst meta where you can give her overwhelm, and have acess to hush to stop your opponent from making similar plays.

    8. Lux, rated the worst champion in the game by Swim, she's not that bad, based entirely on her own merits she is but thankfully her dedicated supports cards are very strong. Like free detains are same as vengeance in this meta.

    9. Vi, it used to be that it made no sense to have a 10 attack challenger because there were no high value trades to make her worth while. But thanks to all these she who wonders Champs running around vi has probably never had better targets 

    10. Swain, honestly just a really flexible champ that's always gonna have a home, and always be a threat.

    11. Temo/fizz/star girl cheap elusive have never been better when decks are increasingly cutting pings like vile feast. You can use them for value, or for cheap burst sticks.

    12. Lulu & Shen these support Champs are probably underrated right now, while I would say that Taric is the worst of the bunch he's still very playable too.


    Champs that are average


    Tf feels pretty meh right now, I was just saying that 1 mana pings, and a 2 mana stun has never been worse then in this meta but amazingly just on the merit of blue card and tf chaining he can still be alright


    Lisandra, none of her decks are scary right now, she looses to aggro and to combo but thats 90% of the meta right now. In a control mirror, or midrange meta she still gets to do her thing


    Sejuani, is kind of being cut from all her decks, the good news is her champ spell is quite strong, she still acts as removal, and sometimes can really mess up the opponents play patterns


    Champs that require 0.1% of your brain


    All cheap quick attackers right now are insanely powerful. Just look at the massive deck presence of zed, sivir, prince boy, Draven, and even jinx still puts up good numbers.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Quote From Author
    6. Zillian/clock boy, don't run the mobalitics list it sucks. I have built a lot of brews that I feel are vastly superior to the 40% winrate mobalytics list, simple by understanding that these Champs need support/alt wincons

    You can add Go Hard and that about it. The main problem with the predict archetype is that it's too RNG dependent to be viable, it's pretty common to make dozen of predict and not find a single Hexite Crystal, Parallel Convergence or Chronobreak. In order to be good they need support that can narrow down the card pool, something like Solari Priestess or Starshaping.

    Quote From Author
    Sejuani, is kind of being cut from all her decks, the good news is her champ spell is quite strong, she still acts as removal, and sometimes can really mess up the opponents play patterns

    She is only cut from midrange frostbite in favor of Leblanc. Sejuani is a lot better than many people give her credit for since she can counter most OTK and Viego decks. In fact a recent tier list by team leviathan (Which is written by Runeterra Pro players like Den and Ultraman) place Gankplank/Sejuani as a solid tier 2 deck. I also see many player getting good results with Swain/Sejuani.


  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    What's your thoughts about our boy Taric? He does really well for me in my Soraka Taric deck aiming at making all units permanently invincible.

    While it is not a safe haven anymore to have a/multiple unit(s) that is/are indestructable and has/have spellshield... we still talk of "quite" durable units and Soraka Taric gets there

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    You should share that Soraka list, I was struggling to find a cool home for her. Yes Sejuani is still good, she might be the rare champ where her play effect is more important then her level up.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Seems fun, Ibex for sure is a very strong card, totally under-rated

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