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1 Characters

Most Wanted List ( Beyond The Bandlewood )

Submitted 3 years, 3 months ago by

Now that enough time has passed, we finally have a good idea on the real power level of the new cards, so what cards would you want to see in the next balance patch that will be released on October 20?  Here are my personal ones.

Nami: Do you guys remember the +1/+1 that The Veiled Temple used to give? The one that was considered too strong and had to be nerfed. Imagine a better version of that effect on a champions that has one of the easiest level up requirement in the game. Nami always level by round 4 and when she do. You only need to spam burst speed spells to turn your board of tiny elusives into game ending terrors. Since these burst spells also offer protection to your units. Trying to use removal on them ends up being a lost cause. Speaking of elusive...

Sparklefly: During the beta one of the most powerful elusive cards was Kinkou Lifeblade a 4 mana 2/3 with lifesteal. That was deemed to strong and was eventual nerfed to 2/2. So you can imagine the community's surprise when an even better version of that card was released. This card can be tutored with Crescendum and is very hard to get ride off due to all the protection and buffs available for Targon. 

Aloof Travelers: This card allow you to discard your opponent win condition, draws you a card and give a decent body for a cheap price, The effect being on summon means there is nothing you can do to stop it. Definitely overturned.

Hidden Pathways: Bandle City has so much card generation that it's pretty much impossible not to fulfill this card condition and contrary to Deep Meditation the discount you get is permanent.

Otterpus: Pranks are for most part manageable except for the grant your +2 cost which can cripple your opponent hand and this little fellow allow you to do that for free.

Lost Soul: An infinite value engine, discard lost soul play a Twinblade Revenant, trade into one your opponent key unit's rinse and repeat, I have won many matches just by out grinding my opponent with this card. It doesn't help that, with 4 power twinblade can kill 90% of meta relevant unit's.

Sharpsight: I really didn't wan't to include this one because it's a the best elusive counter in the game, but if we are being honest this card is too good, protect your unit's, trade efficiently, push for damage all for a cheap price. Most people who use this card tend to forget about the the block elusive part. If you play a Demacia deck, any Demacia deck you run 3 Sharpsight no question asked.

So this it for now. Which one do you agree or disagree with? 

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Now that enough time has passed, we finally have a good idea on the real power level of the new cards, so what cards would you want to see in the next balance patch that will be released on October 20?  Here are my personal ones.

    Nami: Do you guys remember the +1/+1 that The Veiled Temple used to give? The one that was considered too strong and had to be nerfed. Imagine a better version of that effect on a champions that has one of the easiest level up requirement in the game. Nami always level by round 4 and when she do. You only need to spam burst speed spells to turn your board of tiny elusives into game ending terrors. Since these burst spells also offer protection to your units. Trying to use removal on them ends up being a lost cause. Speaking of elusive...

    Sparklefly: During the beta one of the most powerful elusive cards was Kinkou Lifeblade a 4 mana 2/3 with lifesteal. That was deemed to strong and was eventual nerfed to 2/2. So you can imagine the community's surprise when an even better version of that card was released. This card can be tutored with Crescendum and is very hard to get ride off due to all the protection and buffs available for Targon. 

    Aloof Travelers: This card allow you to discard your opponent win condition, draws you a card and give a decent body for a cheap price, The effect being on summon means there is nothing you can do to stop it. Definitely overturned.

    Hidden Pathways: Bandle City has so much card generation that it's pretty much impossible not to fulfill this card condition and contrary to Deep Meditation the discount you get is permanent.

    Otterpus: Pranks are for most part manageable except for the grant your +2 cost which can cripple your opponent hand and this little fellow allow you to do that for free.

    Lost Soul: An infinite value engine, discard lost soul play a Twinblade Revenant, trade into one your opponent key unit's rinse and repeat, I have won many matches just by out grinding my opponent with this card. It doesn't help that, with 4 power twinblade can kill 90% of meta relevant unit's.

    Sharpsight: I really didn't wan't to include this one because it's a the best elusive counter in the game, but if we are being honest this card is too good, protect your unit's, trade efficiently, push for damage all for a cheap price. Most people who use this card tend to forget about the the block elusive part. If you play a Demacia deck, any Demacia deck you run 3 Sharpsight no question asked.

    So this it for now. Which one do you agree or disagree with? 

  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    My quick reply (at work)

    Nami, yes. 

    Sparklefly, maybe.  1/2 for 2 mana staline is rather bad, and the only reason it's even surviving is due to targon buffs.  But targon needs lifesteal options as it's naturally a more control style region to counter the more aggro based regions.

    Aloof Travelers.  Yes, 100x yes.  This card is insane on how much it does.  Good statlines for 4 cost.  Draw effect.  Discard opponent's possible win condition. It does too much.

    Hidden Pathways.  Also yes.  

    Otterpus. Maybe.  Pranks seems thematically fine, but not sure.  I'd have to be very finely tuned.

    Lost Soul.  Revenant form should be nerfed to a 3/3

    Sharpsight: Eh I don't know.  It's kind of needed for demacia otherwise they would get completely run over by elusive decks.

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  • opponent12's Avatar
    145 31 Posts Joined 01/25/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I agree with Hidden Pathways getting a nerf, as it is blatant powercreep on Deep Meditation. Probably should be 6 mana that goes to 4, or you need to create 4 cards. Otterpus probably doesn't need Attune. Aloof Travelers is just an obnoxious card, even if they nerf the stats or something it makes running high mana cost champs useless. Which encourages a lot of annoying aggro decks. Nami's levelup condition probably could use a harsh nerf or rework, although I think her levelup payoff is pretty cool if it isn't useable on turn 4 constantly. Otterpus losing attune might help with this as well. Draven/Sion will most likely get nerfed regardless of what people's opinions are of it, but Idk if Lost Soul is really the problem, probably should look at it after the deck gets nerfed as a whole.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    All those cards you just listed are core region cards and are unlikely to change. Like how is demacia answering temo without Sharp sight?

    Sparkle fly is a meme 

    Aloof could maybe discard lowest cost, but then it would instantly see no play.

    Hidden pathways could be 4 mana.

    But the real powerhouse card in bandlewood and the one no one expected.

    Is loping telescope because he pulls snake every single game.

    So you get a 2/1, you get a 1/1 challenger you push dmg and eat their card for free.

    This is problematic, bandlewood does card advantage I get that but it shouldn't also get massive tempo at the same time.


  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Quote From Author
    All those cards you just listed are core region cards and are unlikely to change. Like how is demacia answering temo without Sharp sight?

    All those cards are core to region? I mean if we are talking about Sharpsight sure but Nami a core card to Bilgwater? Lost soul a core card for Noxus? That doesn't make any sense.

    And since when being a core card means that you don't get nerfed? Pale Cascade and Hush are both core to Targon and they both got nerfed.

    How is Demacia supposed to deal with Teemo? You mean beside Single Combat, Fleetfeather Tracker and all the challenger unit's available to the region?

    Quote From Author
    Sparkle fly is a meme

    A meme card being played in a tier 1 deck? I don't even know what to say to this. Maybe it's better if you just see what this card can do in this deck :


  • FenrirWulf's Avatar
    1005 367 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Well Nami nerf is definitely going to happen but I expect a mana nerf above all. Stat changes probably won't do enough and nerfing it the same way as Veiled Temple is just going to make her unplayable.

    Sparklefly probably needs a health nerf. Same with how a health buff made Young Witch playable, a health nerf to Sparklelfy should do the trick. Though I think that nerfing Sparklefly would hurt Targon as a region even further when they have almost nothing outside of cheesy combo decks.

    Aloof Travelers probably just needs a mana nerf and stat adjustments along with it. Like 6 mana 4/5 or smth. The fact that you can play it so quickly is a bit annoying but it's understandable to have a card like that. I just don't really want it to be so good that aggressive decks can afford to run it.

    Hidden Pathways is kinda tricky. Any nerf to it is going to cripple its viability. A 4 mana nerf is probably going to happen sometime in the future but I would prefer it if they made the requirement more trickier rather than 'oh sick it's 3 mana now'.

    Otterpus. Honestly I'm not too sure about this one. Probably a good nerf but idk. If it does get nerfed though, removing Attune should remove it from all decks.

    Lost Soul nerf is a bit tough to test and work out so it's not probably gonna happen. I think the best way to nerf it is to remove stats from it and make it similar to Mistwraiths where it gets stronger the more you play it.

    Hot take: I think almost all 2 mana combat tricks needs to be adjusted to 3 mana. Too many of them are too efficient. A single change would make X 2 mana combat trick become too strong so nerfing all at once would almost definitely fix the problem.

    Also Bandle City Mayor and Loping Telescopes are very strong. 2/1 BC Mayor should make it easier to remove while Loping Telescope as a 1/1 would make it less good of a card on tempo. These two cards are almost definitely the strongest cards in multi-region decks.

    Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.

  • opponent12's Avatar
    145 31 Posts Joined 01/25/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From minuano28

    Quote From Author
    All those cards you just listed are core region cards and are unlikely to change. Like how is demacia answering temo without Sharp sight?

    All those cards are core to region? I mean if we are talking about Sharpsight sure but Nami a core card to Bilgwater? Lost soul a core card for Noxus? That doesn't make any sense.

    And since when being a core card means that you don't get nerfed? Pale Cascade and Hush are both core to Targon and they both got nerfed.

    How is Demacia supposed to deal with Teemo? You mean beside Single Combat, Fleetfeather Tracker and all the challenger unit's available to the region?

    Quote From Author
    Sparkle fly is a meme

    A meme card being played in a tier 1 deck? I don't even know what to say to this. Maybe it's better if you just see what this card can do in this deck :


    If Poppy wasn't Demcia aligned there would MAYBE be only one or 2 decent decks splashing demacia like the last 3-4 expansions. Let Sharp Sight be lol. Also I wouldn't mind letting Pale cascade, The Fangs, and Starshaping nerfs get reverted. Idk why they even nerfed the last two.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    In the last expansion alone we had Sivir/Akshan and Lulu/Zed rally and those decks were not just decent they were top tier. As for the nerfs to The Fang and Starshaping, with everyone busy hating Azir/Irelia, it's easy to forget that both Zoe/Vi and Shyvana/A.sol were also tier 1 decks during that time. In fact Zoe/Vi had the biggest winrate of any deck in both Europe and America seasonal tournament that took place prior to patch 2.11 .

  • Phaseshifter's Avatar
    180 114 Posts Joined 06/06/2020
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Um, Minimorph Card Image?

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    That card can be really good against certain match ups (Lee Sin) but also really bad against other ( Aggro) overall I find it more frustrating than powerful which why I didn't include it in my personal list. I wouldn't be mad to see nerfed to fast speed or 7 mana tho.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    It hard punishes playing any card above 6+ cmc making the range of viable archetypes more narrow. 

    It's that kind of card that you never will be happy to see in a game.

    And about the argument that Lee Sin needs counters: yes he does need them but he needs them in the form of nerfing the lvl 1 form to not get barrier on 2nd spellcast anymore not universal nope cards that force the opponent to play smaller units with less fancy effects and few buffs in their decks

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    This my personal opinion but I don't think that Minimorph is the reason why most high cost followers don't see play. I think that has to do more with the following :

    - In meta that feature so many cheap unit's that can quickly swarm the board, you don't want to brick your hand by running too many cards that can't be played before turn 7.

    - Most high cost followers are pretty garbage, even in the early days of the game the only 7+ card that saw play were limited to Corina Veraza, Brightsteel Formation, Commander Ledros, Captain Farron, They Who Endure, The Leviathan and Riptide Rex.

    That aside Lee sin definitely does need nerf because in his current form he is just gonna keep abusing burst speed spells. I am not sure however that nerfing his level 1 is the solution because most good Lee Sin players don't play him until his level up anyway.

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