Reveal season continues for Legends of Runeterra's upcoming expansion to Beyond the Bandlewood - Magic Misadventures!
Today we've got 5 new cards that have been revealed by Riot and a new Champion - Pantheon! You can find them all the new cards down below. If you want to start playing around with these cards before Magic Misadventures goes live on December 8, you can head on over to our deckbuilder to start theorycrafting new decks to play.
New Champion: Pantheon
Pantheon is the newest champion to join Legends of Runeterra.
New Cards
In addition to Pantheon, we've got 4 more cards revealed for Targon.
Am I just undervalueing something or is Shield Vault the only actually viable card out of these 4 cards?
Like Pantheon really doesn't impress me especially because he levels pretty late and will just get minimorphed in the majority of cases and the rest of the cards just look... underwhelming to me
It's not that other cards are bad, it's that Bandlewood cards are just too good. They are all super effective, have bonus conditions, can usually cantrip or replace themselves in some ways. I honestly just think that the game got turned on it's side with the original Targon release. Targon changed the game from resource management into value management (with the Invoke keyword) and the game has been exacerbated ever since. Bandlewood naturally has more value and efficiency because it's the newest expansion. I could go on and on, but suffice to say in a single word what is occurring: Powercreep.
Let's be real: neighter Against the Odds nor Freed Colossus are really good cards or would have been good even if they were realeased earlier.
Pantheon looks good for 4 mana but it is too easy to shut down in order to be one's key wincondition. Together with Camphor, the Doubt i can see the Pantheon archetype working out although I most likely would just pick up the fated units and play Taric Poppy around the rally tribal.
And it's not only because bandle City is very strong of a Region but because we less and less play "normal" cards with average powerlevel anymore because the options improved and the average powerlevel of cards played risen with it
I am not sure if there will be a way to fix that issue by anything but a rotation where only a subset of cards remain legal
Targon does have ways to give their unit's spell shield and even if he get's minimorphed you are still paying 6 mana to get rid of a 4 drop.
I see pantheon realistically level on turn 7 on turn 7 mana efficientcy is still not irrelevant but starts to become irrelevant.
Having to spend more mana than the opponent doesn't feel good but is not too bad eighter and since Targon most likely will become more relevant you get Hushed instead and trade down anyways
With a combination of both fated and and overwhelm he doesn't need to level up to be useful and yeah hush do counter him, just at did Nasus, that did not stop Tresh/Nasus from become tier 1.
Ultimately it's going to depend on your deck building if you go all in on Pantheon then yeah, Hush/Minimorph are going to be your bane but if your deck has other win cons then those cards become manageable ( but still very infuriating ).
I think I underestimated the fact that Pantheon is NOT a build around Champion.
He totaly can level up in the majority of midrange decks that we play these days and you can't ask for more raw power on a 4 drop.
Given his low commitment a deck playing him should have no trouble to build a strong standalone shell around him and I think I should give him more Credit for. However I would still only call Pantheon and Shield Vault actually good here
Ok, 300 reference out of the way. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to loop that theme till the Sun turns red.
Edit: I know it was revealed yesterday, but the icon for the new keyword is kinda silly.
Pantheon's theme is definitely one of the best LoL champions themes.