Snowpocalypse 3

Snowpocalypse! You have until January 17 to solve the clues in our treasure hunt!

What is Snowpocalypse?

Snowpocalypse is the Out of Cards Holiday and Winter Celebration!

  • Engage in a site-wide snowball fight with your friends and foes.
  • Earn Snowflakes to create snowballs and purchase cosmetics in the shop.
  • Get onto the leaderboards!

This event ends on January 17, 2022, so what are you waiting for? Learn more below and participate!

Visit the Shop

You have 0 Snowflakes.

Visit the Out of Games Shop to spend your hard earned currency to unlock new site cosmetics!

Your Daily Tasks

All tasks reset at Midnight Eastern!

Snowpocalypse 3 - Christmas Gifts

Snowpocalypse 3 Content

Read and particpate in all the content we've created for Snowpocalypse 3. This will update throughout the event as new content gets added.

Snowpocalypse 3 - Week 1

Solve the clues below to earn Snowflakes! You will earn credit by visiting the page on the website that corresponds to the clue.

  • Someone apparently got their seasons mixed up for this snowy Hunter card. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Arthas isn't just one of the most powerful Death Knights out there. He also runs his own butcher shop. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Just calling it an "ice cream" is too simplistic for some people. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • He sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He's got sharp claws that scratch and tear, and your life is what he'll take. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • I heard you were cold, so I gave you a giant lava monster this year. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Welcome to the Himalayas! Solve to Reveal Answer
  • That's just the insensitive way to refer to Death Knights with no Corpses to raise. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • It still gives +2/+2 to my 1-Attack minions, right? Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Wrapping your cards in many sleeves makes for a chaotic experience. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • I had to last through 4 years of Arctic High School with this jerk. Solve to Reveal Answer

Snowpocalypse 3 - Week 2

Solve the clues below to earn Snowflakes! You will earn credit by visiting the page on the website that corresponds to the clue.

  • The process of "spawn killing" taken to the largest possible extreme is referred to as... Solve to Reveal Answer
  • We kept telling him to stop putting spikes in the snowballs, but he'd never listen. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • You have completed your training, young Death Knight. Now wear this as a token of my gratitude. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • The right festive attire is essential for a VTuber like her. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Here, buy something nice! Just make sure it's not more than 3000 LP. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Whoever made this must be REALLY good at origiami. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Naughty? Nice? Naughty? Nice? Make up your mind already! Solve to Reveal Answer
  • They're always saying that he will "cometh". Solve to Reveal Answer
  • I sure hope my opponent remembered to get me a present this year! Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Great cheap desert to have during the holidays. Just make sure it doesn't escape. Solve to Reveal Answer

Snowpocalypse 3 - Week 3

Solve the clues below to earn Snowflakes! You will earn credit by visiting the page on the website that corresponds to the clue.

  • The Lich King really likes you and wanted to give you a gift for being such a great friend... I just wish you could see it. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • My present to you is one of my cards. Yours to me should be one of your cards. It's only fair. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Show your friend how much you know them by building them a sweet gift on Out of Cards. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Do you think protecting Christmas trees is also part of its job? Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Cool on the outside, but blow things up when you leave. That's the HERO way. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • You know, when you count down 25 days of Christmas, you're not supposed to just jump ahead a few days when you feel that you've reached a new level. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Oh. You all got me 30 of the same mushroom? How...... delightful. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • He had a color scheme befitting of this season in his first appearance. One issue later, he got the color he is famous for. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • This hydra is not a fan of snow and will trample any party that tries to guide it to the forgotten realms. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Kel'Thuzad? Acererak the Archlich? Eldlich the Golden Lord? All pale imitations. Solve to Reveal Answer

Snowpocalypse 3 - Week 4

Solve the clues below to earn Snowflakes! You will earn credit by visiting the page on the website that corresponds to the clue.

  • "Oh, I wonder who this one is from." *glares at King Toggwaggle* Solve to Reveal Answer
  • The wood model kit is included. The Darwinisim kit is not. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • You get a gem! You get a gem! Everybody gets a gem! Solve to Reveal Answer
  • *Knock* *Knock* Do you wanna buil- OH GOD IT HAS SO MANY TEETH!! Even between its feet?!? Not to mention the carrot nose is missing... Solve to Reveal Answer
  • The only thing cuter than a brown fluffball: A brown fluffball in a holiday getup! Solve to Reveal Answer
  • We're at the end of 2022. You're about 10 years late to the punch. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • "This time, I WILL catch Santa Claus. It's going to work." Solve to Reveal Answer
  • I heard that you need a substitute for your D&D group. Mind if I fill in? Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Having to brush the snow off your car is bad enough - imagine needing to do this for an ecosystem! Solve to Reveal Answer
  • "It's just a stuffed bunny", they said! "How big of a risk getting one can be?", they said! Solve to Reveal Answer

Snowpocalypse 3 - Week 5

Solve the clues below to earn Snowflakes! You will earn credit by visiting the page on the website that corresponds to the clue.

  • What do you mean I can't invite Tirion or Bolvar to my Winter Veil party? Solve to Reveal Answer
  • You've spent a hundred tokens on it and you still haven't won. These things are rigged I tell you. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • I really needed that Nether Star. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • "And you're telling me you make sure every snowflake on your canvas is unique? Talk about dedication to detail!" Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Well, usually it goes "Jingle all the way". Link Summon all you want, but at least you got the bell part right. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Yes, I would like the rites of your animated series, thank you very much. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • When I said they were REALLY good at origami, I wasn't kidding. They must've been some type of ninja. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Naming your child after a whole country is putting some unrealistic expectations on them, don't you think? Solve to Reveal Answer
  • If you're between the levels of 17 and 20, we should go on this adventure together. Solve to Reveal Answer
  • Santa's shop is a lot more... aztech than I expected. Solve to Reveal Answer

Clues Discovered Leadboard

Staff are excluded because they're all filthy cheaters. Not really, but some were involved in the creation of clues.

Member Clues Found
NebuchadnezzarHS 50
GoddammitDontShootMe 50
JustinT85 19
Caro 17
Joda 17
Geno9999 16
KnivesOut 14
MurlocAggroB 10
SpookySpooky 4
sule 4
anchorm4n 3
Synnr7 2
gusty24 2
theo333 2
Alfi 2
Draketh 2
Jupiter 2
Neoguli 1
RogueToad 1
Torgal 1

Recent Snowball Throws

  • madcat hit dapperdog with Snowball.
  • madcat hit FrostyFeet with Snowball.
  • madcat hit Velen with Snowball.
  • madcat hit Alfi with Snowball.
  • madcat hit Alleria with Snowball.
  • madcat hit ArcyroX with Snowball.
  • madcat hit GoddammitDontShootMe with Snowball.
  • madcat hit ShinRyuuken with Snowball.
  • madcat hit Pezman with Snowball.
  • madcat hit Fluxflashor with Snowball.

Snowballs Thrown Leaderboard

NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
620 Snowball Thrown
Caro's Avatar
420 Snowball Thrown
GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
215 Snowball Thrown
Pezman's Avatar
92 Snowball Thrown
Demonxz95's Avatar
88 Snowball Thrown
Alfi's Avatar
65 Snowball Thrown
Geno9999's Avatar
31 Snowball Thrown
Fluxflashor's Avatar
20 Snowball Thrown
anchorm4n's Avatar
17 Snowball Thrown
SpookySpooky's Avatar
7 Snowball Thrown
sule's Avatar
3 Snowball Thrown
Suchti0352's Avatar
0 Snowball Thrown

Hit by Snowballs Leaderboard

NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
Hit by 417 Snowball
Caro's Avatar
Hit by 251 Snowball
GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
Hit by 207 Snowball
Demonxz95's Avatar
Hit by 190 Snowball
Pezman's Avatar
Hit by 142 Snowball
Alfi's Avatar
Hit by 105 Snowball
Fluxflashor's Avatar
Hit by 102 Snowball
dapperdog's Avatar
Hit by 67 Snowball
linkblade91's Avatar
Hit by 21 Snowball
anchorm4n's Avatar
Hit by 17 Snowball
Suchti0352's Avatar
Hit by 8 Snowball
Echo's Avatar
Hit by 8 Snowball


  • Horus's Avatar
    Detective Pikachu 2575 3347 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    I did it!! I found all the clues - not as fast as @NebuchadnezzarHS did ; such a BEAST!! - but still did it.
    I'll be available if anyone needs a clue

    • Pezman's Avatar
      Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
      Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

      The only HS clue I haven't solved is from Week 3: You get a gem, etc.

      • Horus's Avatar
        Detective Pikachu 2575 3347 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
        Posted 1 year, 8 months ago
        Quote From Pezman

        The only HS clue I haven't solved is from Week 3: You get a gem, etc.

        " You get a gem! You get a gem! Everybody gets a gem! "

        Show Spoiler
        This one relates to a Battleground minion whom tribe was introduced last year.

        Let me know if you need further more hint(s) :) 


        • Pezman's Avatar
          Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
          Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

          Thanks, that did the trick! 

          Show Spoiler
          I hardly play Battlegrounds, otherwise I probably would have thought of this.

    • ShinRyuuken's Avatar
      Academy Sleuth 715 55 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
      Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

      Week 3, HS 1.
      Not sure if I'm looking for a card or something uncollectible.

      • Horus's Avatar
        Detective Pikachu 2575 3347 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
        Posted 1 year, 8 months ago
        Quote From ShinRyuuken

        Week 3, HS 1.

        Show Spoiler
        It is indeed a collectible card, and I'll add that it is from the latest expansion.

        Let me know if you require an other hint!

        • ShinRyuuken's Avatar
          Academy Sleuth 715 55 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
          Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

          Yea, without that narrowing down, I'm not sure I would have found it.
          And I used to sit and read all of those in the past.
          Also could be a joke about drop rates.

        • NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
          Supporter 2035 1410 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
          Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

          Show Spoiler
          Oops! This message has self destructed, because of my own stupidity 😅

          • Horus's Avatar
            Detective Pikachu 2575 3347 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
            Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

            Think you are looking at the wrong week ; Week 3, First HS clue : " The Lich King really likes you and wanted to give you a gift for being such a great friend... I just wish you could see it. " - mistake happens :) 

            • NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
              Supporter 2035 1410 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
              Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

              You are totally right! Things are a bit blurry when in beast mode. I will turn it off (for now).

              • Horus's Avatar
                Detective Pikachu 2575 3347 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
                Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

                For those who don't know, he's Goku's best friend and one of the most  prominent supporting characters on the show. | Anime dragon ball, Anime  dragon ball super, Dragon ball

    • NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
      Supporter 2035 1410 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
      Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

      BEAST mode activated!!

  • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
    Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    I'm stuck on You've spent a hundred tokens on it and you still haven't won. These things are rigged I tell you.

    Show Spoiler
    It's not Rigged Faire Game, which seems like the best fit to me. Are they sticking with Standard cards?

    • NebuchadnezzarHS's Avatar
      Supporter 2035 1410 Posts Joined 06/14/2019
      Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

      Show Spoiler
      You got the expansion right. Which other game at the same venue always seems like a bottomless pit for your coins/tokens?

      For connoisseurs among us; "Caught any UFO lately?" 🛸

      • Caro's Avatar
        Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
        Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

        I've checked every "game" though 😅

        Show Spoiler
        Honestly, Ring Toss should've been the answer to this one from what I know of wow

        • Caro's Avatar
          Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
          Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

          ok nvm 😅

          Show Spoiler
          ended up going through all cards and I can now see why that card can be seen as a "game"

      • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
        Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
        Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

        Thanks, now for the Nether Star clue.

        Show Spoiler
        I found out a Nether Star is a Minecraft item used in crafting Beacons that give status boosts, so I was trying cards with aura buffs.

        • ShinRyuuken's Avatar
          Academy Sleuth 715 55 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
          Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

          Show Spoiler
          But what drops it?

          • GoddammitDontShootMe's Avatar
            Relaxed 2195 2051 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
            Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

            Show Spoiler
            Didn't realize that was a card. I don't know why I didn't try searching for that anyway.

  • ArcyroX's Avatar
    Ghost 955 214 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    mods, what was that holiday giveaway ticket 2022 in the shop before? I bought some tickets but never knew what for


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