Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Final Teaching Time With Nifty

Submitted 1 year, 4 months ago by

I've been going on a bit of a schooling tear this fine Sunday. I do appologize I work an important job during the week so I'm getting it all out of the way now.

Sometimes winning is just winning, sometimes you need to level Champs, build a deck that does something, and play for the archetype.

A great example was the recent meta deck of echo Jinx, used to be an F tier deck leveling Champs is bad, proper deck building knowledge is bad, playing for the "quest" is bad.

But no a few numbers move around, a few subtle shift and now Echo the worst champion in the game in terms of winrate actually sported a 53% A tier stat line.

So the summarized lesson is here:

1. Play do nothing decks into excessive stall decks.

2. Play tempo decks into do nothing decks.

3. Always build for your Champs I dont care what anyone says.

4. Flex your archetype knowledge

5. Don't be a dick

There ya go LOR is my favorite card game even after Mogwais and Swims departures the people who brought me to this game and showed its possibilities 

In their wake we have Allen and Majin but their rigid mindsets and firm meta orientations make them somewhat lacking for originality 

Well nifty brings that in spades and originality my friends can't be beaten or countered.

See ya

-----final edit-----

The open attack delema:

Traditional knowledge in LOR says open attacking is always correct.

This is only true in elusive decks generally speaking and is a real hearthstone line of play.

Mtg traditional knowledge states that hp doesn't matter.

That it's better to wait things out leverage your hp as a resource and win decisively.

Illoi is very good at this and I'll share my list for what I think is one of the best decks in the meta right now.

There is some bad Ionia matchups depending on the amount of stall and their wincon but for the most part it's good into everything people are playing.

The World Ender
A Runeterra Deck created by Nifty129. Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

I used to run Riptide sermon but monster harpoon on average is cheaper and more efficient at eliminating midrange champions. Which the meta is full of right now.

I'm trying to tell you guys this deck is dope you can hit 3 jaxs on curve and an orn and sweat your nerdy little heart out and still lose.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 4 months ago

    I've been going on a bit of a schooling tear this fine Sunday. I do appologize I work an important job during the week so I'm getting it all out of the way now.

    Sometimes winning is just winning, sometimes you need to level Champs, build a deck that does something, and play for the archetype.

    A great example was the recent meta deck of echo Jinx, used to be an F tier deck leveling Champs is bad, proper deck building knowledge is bad, playing for the "quest" is bad.

    But no a few numbers move around, a few subtle shift and now Echo the worst champion in the game in terms of winrate actually sported a 53% A tier stat line.

    So the summarized lesson is here:

    1. Play do nothing decks into excessive stall decks.

    2. Play tempo decks into do nothing decks.

    3. Always build for your Champs I dont care what anyone says.

    4. Flex your archetype knowledge

    5. Don't be a dick

    There ya go LOR is my favorite card game even after Mogwais and Swims departures the people who brought me to this game and showed its possibilities 

    In their wake we have Allen and Majin but their rigid mindsets and firm meta orientations make them somewhat lacking for originality 

    Well nifty brings that in spades and originality my friends can't be beaten or countered.

    See ya

    -----final edit-----

    The open attack delema:

    Traditional knowledge in LOR says open attacking is always correct.

    This is only true in elusive decks generally speaking and is a real hearthstone line of play.

    Mtg traditional knowledge states that hp doesn't matter.

    That it's better to wait things out leverage your hp as a resource and win decisively.

    Illoi is very good at this and I'll share my list for what I think is one of the best decks in the meta right now.

    There is some bad Ionia matchups depending on the amount of stall and their wincon but for the most part it's good into everything people are playing.

    The World Ender
    A Runeterra Deck created by Nifty129. Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

    I used to run Riptide sermon but monster harpoon on average is cheaper and more efficient at eliminating midrange champions. Which the meta is full of right now.

    I'm trying to tell you guys this deck is dope you can hit 3 jaxs on curve and an orn and sweat your nerdy little heart out and still lose.

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