Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

The World Ender

Last updated 2 years ago
  • Archetype Midrange
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 26000
  • Your Cost 26000
Nifty129's Avatar Banned 0

I've run this style of deck for a long time.

Not illoi specifically but the just challenge everything archetype.

Not letting the meta decks get off the ground with a combination of cheap 2 mana challengers for disruption and cheap burst to win trades.

Then you have your strikes and it's just very hard for the opponents deck to get off the ground and do what it wants to do.

In this instance yes the illoi pkg provides counter pressure which in a tempo fight is very important so you don't get run over.

One of my strongest and most pervasive brews when the meta is too fast for ramp.

Heavy mettle is really useful when they don't expect it oh hey Nora blah, or oh no Jax where did your weapon go.

Or if they try to Sheppard something etc.

It always find value


I just played 3 for 3 into angel sunbeak the best midrange meta deck in the game and I won 3 for 3.

Does that mean my deck is better no, does it mean that I'm good at brewing decks that stop meta decks from doing meta things...yes its what I do sorry.

Yeah very good deck again played like 10 games with it went like 8w and 2L.

One time it was a top deck Harrowing, one time I just got burned out after a luck burst block. But 80% by LOR standards is a very good winrate.

The only thing is that's it boring as hell to play. Like the most demacia demacia deck ever despite being an illoi deck.

Never forget about the world ender it's pure tempo so feel free to snipe this one now and then I'll switch again

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