500 upvotes on reddit and still no word from Riot
To be fair these ideas are awful
The siren song fix is literally very simple
1 make it 5 mana
2 make it so it doesn't buff xolani
People will say oh no that will slow xolani down significantly
but my response is when did Xolani become the number 1 finisher in every deck ever?
1 drop aggro deck xolani
midrange evelyn deck xolani
bilgewater poro deck? If it could fit xolani and siren song it would trust me
So maybe we just don't let xolani turbo off a card that buffs 1 mana units under the established mana curve?
crazy thought
maybe the game isn't supposed to have 1 mana 10/10s or 7 mana 32/32?
seems kinda unbalanced and borderline broken
maybe we don't do that at all?
maybe we see champ based decks see a massive resurgance in popularity?
maybe the 3 new champs released with this set actually matter?
crazy right?
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To be fair these ideas are awful
The siren song fix is literally very simple
1 make it 5 mana
2 make it so it doesn't buff xolani
People will say oh no that will slow xolani down significantly
but my response is when did Xolani become the number 1 finisher in every deck ever?
1 drop aggro deck xolani
midrange evelyn deck xolani
bilgewater poro deck? If it could fit xolani and siren song it would trust me
So maybe we just don't let xolani turbo off a card that buffs 1 mana units under the established mana curve?
crazy thought
maybe the game isn't supposed to have 1 mana 10/10s or 7 mana 32/32?
seems kinda unbalanced and borderline broken
maybe we don't do that at all?
maybe we see champ based decks see a massive resurgance in popularity?
maybe the 3 new champs released with this set actually matter?
crazy right?
But honestly give people a dust refund on xolati if you have to
certain decks can still run him as the meme he's supposed to be
sandmen xolati for example
he's meant to be a niche card
not the biggest creature in the entire game bar none
he literally upsets the stat distribution curve of every other card in the entire game
for as long as siren song interacts with him the way it does
buff deck by 1+1, summon a buffed creature, summon more buffed creatures for cheap, swing with creatures
boom 7 mana 32/32 and its hella fast
faster than anything else in the game
that 1 mana 10/10 and 7 mana 32/32 makes ramp look like a fucking joke
asol who's that? dragon of the universe or something?
nope that random 7 mana darken card is exodia the obliterator
he is the king of LOR
the destroyer of worlds
thanos snap
It isn't lore appropriate, it isn't gameplay appropriate, and it isn't fun most of all
so yeah 500 upvotes riot hotfix your damn game
yeah so that was a 9/8 by mana 8
that was literally on par for the curve
I know what youre trying to do and youre wrong
viego is not bigger than sirens song decks
and I'll let you open swing into my nexus all day long
cuz I still don't care about your point
because it's invalid
stop being an idiot an 8 mana 9/8 is not bigger than a 7 mana 32/32 it is not bigger than a 1 mana 10/10
if it was people would fucking play viego and they dont!
want to know why?
cuz he's bad!!!!!!!!!!!
like don't get me wrong I'm no stranger to bad
I'm stuck here trying to make Riot's 3 new champions work
but bad is bad sorry
So if we are all done being smart asses
can we acknowledge that 500 people think that siren song is busted
and that xolati is busted
can we acknowledge that the 500 people might know better than 1 Majin Bae?
can we acknowledge that?
can we do the human thing, the democratic thing, and understand that math is math
that trump wasn't voted president because you feel that way
he wasn't voted president because he didn't get the god damn votes
so yes siren song Xolati is objectively broken
as in the developers gone fucked up
and 500 people agree
so stop being a smart ass and start begging riot for a fix
Like for god sakes poro king is a 5 mana 4/4 from Riot
a 5 mana 4/4 naked
no keywords
and all he does is make poro treats
that are more efficient to main deck
and they release that at the same time as a 4 mana deck wide buffer that also summons an additional buff body with keyword at the same time?
do you have any idea how good that is?
how do you even evaluate that fairly?
like okay so on average a 4 mana card represents a 10/10 buff across one game 20/20 if played twice?
then you get the immediate effect of additional stats and keywords on the next body
then theres a 7 mana card that eats all those buffs and goes from a 2/2 to a 32/32?
and poro king is a 5 mana 4/4?
I'm willing to acknowledge that Riot gutted their card game studio
so the smart people who crafted the initial bilgewater expansion are probably all gone by now
but I'm fairly certain if any of them were left
they would say
ummm guys can we not encourage people to spam 1 drops with a global deck wide buff
We want people to play gangplank he was just released and he's cool
we want our champs to be good
not random 1 drops
k thanks scrap that card
I feel that way about Nidalle and Poro king
I think they are awesome well designed cards in a game that is progressively less awesome and well designed
let's release diana a 2 mana champ that can challenge things with quick attack
that's really powerful though so lets straddle her with a nightfall condition
later on hey lets release samara she does everything that diana does but better in bilge water
and people are like wow Samara is the new standard for champ design
Yes I got to masters with her because she straddles that line between busted and not busted (closer to the sweaty end)
but she is not "well designed"
she is not interesting
she is not well themed
she is just the new elise
aka the biggest best value 2 mana champion that is essentially free
so I would much rather see Riot pull back on the power creep with the siren songs the 1 mana 10.10s the 7 mana 32/32s
pull back on all that shit with the next patch
and buff the themed champs released for this set
make nidallee summon javelin on level up
lux does it for lazer and lux is waaaaay better and she was vanilla
Give poro king tough, he's the king hes supposed to be tough, it will make him slightly less snap removable
for bird lady, she just needs more variety cards I don't actually think she's bad maybe a little too strict on her level up
but her flip stats are nuts and her effect is nuts.
so maybe just level her with 5 swings instead of 6?
demanding that a champ go 6 wide to level is a tough pill to swallow
and while youre at it make poro king easier to level
nidalle levels easily but she just doesn't dooooo anything
So I think if you do all that
hard buff the 3 champs
hard nerf siren song and xolati
if you do that this set will be sucessful
as it stands it's a fucking train wreck
and 500 people agree even if they can't articulate their thoughts correctly
but I can
I promise I won't be mad if zoo or poro tribal becomes meta
I won't be mad if the new champions you released end up doing new champ things
I am mad that a random 4 mana common spell has defined an entire format
that I'm mad about
and I won't ever stop being mad about it till it gets fixed
just like 500 other people
you guys are funny I mention elise and the next game is spider aggro
you know that I'm not trying to win right?
in casual que
I'm literally just fucking around till things get fixed?
you know that right?
youre not dumb?
you have a brain?
like why bother trying to win when I don't have eternal ladder?
Riot insists on making me wait 3 months every season so I can climb
and standard is a mess
So I'm just gonna play what I want how I want till winning actually matters again
thats me doing my thing
you do yours
try harding like it means something
yes I will spend 10 mana on a thermo into a deny
cuz again nothing matters till the fixes happen
we are all just jerking each other off
fun times
oh wow you beat a vanilla yordle tribal deck with no spells
thats so indicitive of math
not like the deck has a massive negative winrate
and your version was terrible
but yeah gottyyyyyy
500 people....500
does it need to be 5000
does it need to be 50000
does it need to be 500000
when does sense make sense?
when is math math?
you think I give a shit about us jacking each other off in casual que?
please go for it take my spunk all over your face
I need the release
Oh wow I won 1 game with transform
gg shen emote
best deck in the game
I'm making a point that defies math and sense
transform best deck in the game
wooooow gg
no one gives fuck
read the math
read reddit
fix your game
woooow transform just won 2 games
best deck in the game guys
balance doesn't matter
math doesn't matter
cuz anecdotal experiences are everything
all joking aside I've literally won a 100 games with that transform deck cuz I'm the eternal king
I just don't feel like playing seriously when things are this busted
yeah you got mad and then you went meta
you see your anecdotal experiences
and mine don't mean anything
I can kick your ass up and down the pavement with the worst deck in the game
and it doesn't
it literalyl doesn't
and you can kick my ass up and down the pavement with all the try hard bullshit at your disposal
but guess what
math is math
500 is 500
and fixes need to happen
I don't see you running any of the new champs
I see a lot of sett
which was last expansion
don't you?
wooow sure did a lot with your azir and bird lady there didn't you?
youre sure qualified to know what is and isn't new champ balance aren't you?
meanwhile you just got your ass kicked by transform
I know the underplayed archetypes
I know how to make the trash good again
youre just a filthy try hard
you need 1 champ, he already exists, and the game might as well be over for you
well don't make the rest of our lives miserable because of it
wow transform is the best deck in the game guys
cuz it beat Baaaaaard
holly fuck baaaaaard
omg top tier
nifty too strong
majin was right
game totally balanced
plus it didn't help that your bard deck was balls
I could fix it for you
you're really bad at just value champs that need to level to do things
youre awful with those
wait Nifty how do I play this deck
why can't I just copy and paste your list and win
why won't it auto pilot broken shit for me?
that's cuz youre trash
anyways plz fix Riot
I'm getting tired of swatting these try hards like flies
just because they don't understand the value in underplayed archetypes
sorry I got bored and zoned out
what were you doing again?
like I go against a million of these brews a day
you couldn't make bard work
you tried to copy me on nidalee and failed
you couldn't make undir work
I guess something there as supposed to be a discard deck
I just zoned out
any of these archetypes can be built well
any of them can be played well
instead it's just
meme or competivie
and nothing else in between
the reality is you should have won with undir
you should have won with bard
and you should have won with copying me on transform
but you didn't
so when I say poro king can be made playable after siren song nerfs
I mean poro king can be made playable after siren song nerfs
it's not a maybe thing
it a sure thing
because I am the best brewer in LOR with bad arechetypes
hands down
oh no nifty
I'm gonna vi emote you
because you won with akshan ambush
it's not possible that you could ever win with that crap into aggro
why you so good with bad decks?
idk why can't you win with spider aggro?
it's literally spider aggro
its spider tribal
come on
what happened you no likey big cat girl?
but sheeees sooooo baddddddd
imagine when she isn't literally worse then every other champion
then I might actually get to have fun
I'm just fucking around
you knew I could draw right?
that's what akshan does
I was just curious if your aphelios deck had any wincons after I killed all of them
just fucking around?
yes no?
you no bueno your champions
you no do nothing with them?
you no win game?
yes no?
Aphelios and Viktor are amazing cards
Most people pump and dump them
In fact you were pumping and dumping everything in your deck
Youre just hoping to what r and g into something off your heal?
Can't you literally do that better in any other deck?
You guys are bad
Dude you dumped every temo and catlyn you had hahahahahaha
And you had 0 mushrooms in deck
And then you just burned me out
You could literally do that better eith any other deck
God damn you're fucking awful
Like I'm literally not swinging any game and meming by building up my Champs
Ans killing every champ you have
Just to prove a point
Ans you're too dumb to realize it
Like youre a mushroom deck and you're not mushrooming
You're a catlyn deck and you're not catlyning
What are you doing!?
What does scissors have to do with Nora you dumb mother fucker
Jesus this is yesterday all over again
It's just the fucking same try hard patterns over and over
You have no idea how to play 90% of the Champs in thr game do you?
It's okay it's fine 🙂
I'm cool dumb people gonna dumb
Beaters gonna beat
Good times
Okay I'm gonna tell you how to build that catlyn deck okay?
I'm gonna build it for you and include the list
Because mushrooms is actually a good deck
Just like your bad undir
And your bad bard
And every other bad deck you make
Here you go!
This is infinitely better than what you were doing
Yep why play champions
When you can just siren song beaters
You literally made my point
Good job
Fantastic well done
Hahahahahaha moron
You just made the point of 500 people yourself
By building a deck to prove your very point
You played yourself
Well Done
You won
By making the point of 500 people
You fucking joke
Oh no did you just get otked with catlyn
Thats weeeeeeird
How did that happen
She can do that?
Thats fucking broken
What card is that?
Stupid Jesus
That Zed did a lot for you eh?
Not like you just built a bunch of beater followers and that's why you won?
Almost like Siren song?
Cuz that's all you know?
Oh I forgot to mention I rebuilt ryze for Eternal
Flex flex flex
Yeeeeah sometimes you don't hit landmarks
Even with ryze in board for 3 turns whatev
Sorry did the ryze win piss you off?
Such angry man
This feels pretty good some people like to meme with some more anti aggro tech but this feels solid
Cool you're literally running my decks right?
It's finally happening
Now you kind of build them.worse for thr most part
Like you fucked up poros
But thanks for the respect
Yum yum
Well I guess the eternal king has become the authority now
Hope you all had fun
Nerfs coming soon, high synergy decks gonna be good again
Easy peasy
Oh nooos the high synergy shroom deck beat elites
I'd face palm too
Almost like without Siren song
Every deck has a fighting chance?
So what is the 7 mana card doing in a rally spam deck?
He's just a beater?
Hahahahaha you're so mad
Rally spam
Then ephemeral rally spam
Why into shromes?
I'll admit shromes are bad you got me
Really nailed me there
Real noodle scratcher
It's really funny
Like what do you think youre doing?
Youre obviously not proud of these decks
Otherwise you'd play them on ladder
So basically you're building these decks as a direct counter to me
Which means you need to counter me
Which means you're bad
So thanks
For hard countering someone fucking around in casual que
As expected I can pass every turn and your deck does nothing
Yeah see how the deck flows
Does it's thing
Isn't a piece of garbage?
Sorry I'm not gonna humor you
Everyone knows that 1 drop siren song spam is so far beyond curve that nothing else can compare
Casual 1 mana 7/8 elusive and 7/7 by turn 5
With life steal!
Let me just play my 5 mana 4/4 poro king and pretend it's a fair fight
You want to know the biggest joke about poro king?
You spend all this mana, and all this time and energy fighting from behind doing everything you can to not just instantly fold with your terrible deck
And then it's like wait no your champion is invalidated by 0 champion siren song spam
So not only did Riot release an underpowered champion they released a spell that simultaneously invalidated it...not in different sets but in the same set!
Hey look it's siren song in poros
It's siren song in every deck
Every deck ever
It's siren song
Every single deck
Having fun yet reddit?
I'll be honest I think the game is actually unplayable in its current state
When every deck is just pass pass siren song
Or pass pass siren song siren song
The games entire collection of cards is irrelevant
Why even play the game when the devs are dead set on ruining thr balance of their own card game?
Standard winrates have plummeted across the board for every non siren song related deck
Pretty soon in 3 months eternal will follow if nothing is done
And them the game will die
I feel like I'm being John Malkovich
But instead of Malkovhich Malkovich
It's just me getting sodomized by siren song siren song
I can't be the only person on the planet that is like hmmm boiling a 4 year card game down to 1 card is baaaaaad
Oh right there's 500 people who want the same thing as me
Man, I'm largely ignoring the Runeterra part of the site, but seriously: Get yourself a diary.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com
Nifty, you're just talking to yourself. That isn't really the purpose of these forums. As such, I'm locking this thread and any future threads where you're just talking to yourself. If you want a place to write more long-form, maybe we need to add the ability to blog on here.
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