Deckbuilder - Archetype Request Thread
Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
Title says it all. I build a deck, yet I feel constrained that I have to choose one that's not befitting. I want to add more.
I will explain with an example: The deck I made consists of both Yogg Mage and Reno Mage archetypes. Is it possible to add two sub-archetype slots before saving a deck? That will help finding or expressing a deck better.
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Title says it all. I build a deck, yet I feel constrained that I have to choose one that's not befitting. I want to add more.
I will explain with an example: The deck I made consists of both Yogg Mage and Reno Mage archetypes. Is it possible to add two sub-archetype slots before saving a deck? That will help finding or expressing a deck better.
Kinda different but I just think it's weird that there is no Deathrattle Priest option. There's a Quest Priest option but my deck is in standard so I couldn't if I wanted to. Just something I think should also be added
Favorite Card: Vulpera Scoundrel
Dust Wishlist: Zephrys the Great, Siamat, High Priest Amet, Psychopomp, & Plague of Death
Added Highlander archetype (separate from Reno) to each class.
Also added Deathrattle Priest.
Feel free to pm us or write on discord in #site-support if you feel like an archetype is missing, we can always add it if it makes sense.
About setting two archetypes for one deck, i dont think we will do that. It would create more complications when looking for decks etc. Like i said, feel free to holler at us, if you think there is an archetype missing, otherwise pick one that fits your decks main theme best and any subthemes you can list in the deck name.
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That's sweet to define all Reno decks that aren't Priest/Mage/Warlock as Highlander within archetype selection. Although the main reason was to divide singleton decks -to define whether it's Wild or Standard- it's better than nothing. Thanks a lot, Sinti 😀
Could we have Even Hunter added to the list please? 😇
Also, you might have tackled the issue already, but we're gonna need a new labelling for old Quest decks and the new ones (unless we conceive the new Quests as optional, non-defining for a deck that refers to another archetype).
Even Hunter added ;-)
About the other thing, personally, i think ppl will just have to get used to that "Quest X" can mean two different things now and deck name might have to tell the specifics. We will discuss this internally and maybe we will come to a different solution in the end. But the new quests show, that something like this can very well comeback in the future again, be it a singleton as they did with Hero Cards, or again as a theme for all classes and then what.
I understand that Quests were an archetype on their own cause you had to build your whole deck and win condition around them, this is not true with the new ones and might not be true with ones that can come in future. So yeah, i think that many decks that will involve the new quests will actually not be defined by those quests, but the quests will rather supplement the archetypes those decks are build for.
For example. something like the new Priest Quest, i would see it being used in a (midrange/tempo) Reborn deck which is the main archetype and the quest just gives it more punch and supplements it.
Or Shaman Quest, the main focus of a deck using this quest might still be Shudderwock, or Murlocs or Jades and the quest just supplements the play style, but is not the archetype by itself per-se.
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Is it possible to add Odd/Even archetype across all classes? Although rare, one would like to share her/his Odd Priest or Even Warrior so to say, which will help finding more unique decks. What do you say, fellow members of OoC?
P.S: I'm sure there is an archetype named "Minion Mage" which was started with Book of Specters. Or, do I have my facts wrong?
P.S.S: Let a topic be sticky for forgotten archetype suggestions.
I'm not sure it took shape as a defined archetype. I guess it could be compressed either into Zoomage or Handmage (not sure if any of these types are already an option tho). "Minion Mage" sounds like a meaningless label, imo.
Added Odd/Even archetypes to classes that were missing these. I could have sworn i did that before, but apparently not.
I dont think a "Minion Mage" is worth its own archetype, you can put it under tempo or midrange mage and be fine with that.
I changed the name of the thread, but i dont think making it sticky is worth it, not like we are gonna have new archetypes every day. Ppl can find this and request it here, on discord or via PM, if they feel the need a new archetype should be added.
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Understood. Just thought that with recent cards from Uldum, for Shaman class, do you think it's worth adding Totem Shaman? I mean, it was used way back in TGT-era and I believe that new cards might resurrect this archetype from its graveyard.
Yeah, why not. That one seems plausible with the new totem focused support cards. Added.
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